A workaholic is always a workaholic as they will always give excuses that they do not have the time off as their schedules are always tight and sparing a few hours of their precious time will be super impossible. Stop being a badass and make excuses for all your shortcomings as there will always be an endless chain of work to be done. How you make time for everything and anything are within your own control. Good time management is vital for your personal lifestyle, a healthy one. No matter how short a holiday trip it may be, it’s a NECESSITY and not a LUXURY.

Now stop being a hypocrite that you do not have time in your hands to improve your own life. Our bodies need a break away from stresses of any kind. We often ignore the importance of proper rest and relaxation until our body had become so fragile even to execute some simple chores. One health guru frequently reminded me on my failing health, “What’s the use of you resting many times in a day and yet not getting enough of proper sleep?” He was right. A body needs long and undisturbed sleep on scheduled sleeping time AT NIGHT to enable our body the adequate time to repair, recuperate and grow. In this technological era, we tend to spend most of our time poking our heads into other people’s affairs than finding ways to make our life more beneficial, physically, mentally, spiritually and morally.

I often ask myself these questions, “Am I being an idiot and taken for rides all the time? Do any company and friends appreciate my insane working attitudes to make their lives more profitable? If so, where’s the gratitude?” Most of the time, it’s all about money and secondly it’s about given opportunities. In the end, it’s about taking things for granted and forgetting about the roots on how a person’s life became more at ease and bearable. I have come to the state that slogging so hard for others is not my main priority now. I would rather take a break away from the hustle and bustle of a mad concrete jungle and spend my time doing what I loved most at a more relaxing pace – living my life to the fullest with more happiness and less stress.

Here are my reasons to stay idle for some time until I’m fully charged for the next phase in my life:
Restructuring the body against burnouts – Staying away from any sort of work tend to give the body the required time to repair itself and the brain to be free from any commitment it had pre-programmed to do so. A carefree lifestyle can prevent one from falling into depression, anxiety, temperamental and more. So, let’s go for a work-free vacation now.

Regaining fitness – You might not believe it but you tend to walk more during trips even if it’s just for a few hours. The wonderful thing is that you won’t realize that you are actually burning up more fat and calories~ LOL! Due to all those little sightseeing walks or even shopping sprees, you are actually being forced to walk more than usual, pumping up your heart for better blood circulations, thus making you feeling fresher than ever.

Breathing a different air – Instead of sitting down on the same spot for years and breathing in the same stuffy air, it’s always great to send yourself onto a new expedition, to an unexpected destination out from the normal populated areas and into the wilderness of the sea, land and air. At least the lungs have enough fresh air to repair themselves. Let’s go Kakadu~ Wait! Where is that? LOL~ 😛

Rekindle your long lost connections – When was the last time you met up with your great grand aunt who is from another state or country? Well, that might be quite hard as it might incur more time and expenses, unless you are quite financially stable. Let’s put someone closer to you, eg. your parents, wife, family, boyfriend, girlfriend or even close friends you had not met up for awhile. When was the last time you really spend time with them to build up closer ties and strengthen the bonds? Even a simple dine out for a few hours is enough as everyone will need at least some companionship in certain time of their lives.

Finding that new inspiration – Staying at stagnant surroundings will make you a dull person without much creativity to venture into something new. Go out there to new places to find your inspiration. A complete stress free environment filled with lots of good food, good sceneries, great air, great companions, laughter and more will indeed rejuvenate the mind and soul to think more analytically in life.

Collaborate your brain with your senses – Sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch are often manipulated under stressful environment. We are human after all. We tend to shut our senses out just because we do not like certain sensations behaving not to our own likings. Unless you own a sensory deprivation floatation tank filled with Epsom salt for a total floatation in nothingness so that your brain can have a good rest without sensing anything, there will always be stressful moments in your brain. Instead of shutting down your senses on the surrounding negativity, it’s always great if you could expand your senses more towards positivity. The sight of a beautiful yet tranquil venue, the smell of unpolluted air with a tint of flowery freshness, the natural sweetness of the water from a clean flowing stream, the sound of nature and the touch of nature’s fauna and flora, will eventually set your mind into a state filled with tranquility, peace and happiness. Isn’t that less tedious than trying to drown the natural senses of your body?

Don’t be a sleep deprived idiot – Do you agree with me that whenever your eyes are opened, you tend to think too much, worry too much and stress yourself endlessly? After a full daylight of putting your brain into all the tedious tasks, it’s about time to give your brain and body the necessary time out during nightfall. Without the minimum 8 hours of proper sleep, your health will be at risk. It had been found in medical researches that a patient deprived of proper sleep tends to fare worst in a blood test. Your cholesterol and blood pressure level will hike up crazily with constant dizziness and headaches. Your movements may become haywire with constant body aches. So, shut down whatever you are doing and have a proper rest now.

Expand your boundaries for better knowledge and efficiency – There’s the saying, “A picture paints a thousand words.” We indeed need more colors in our life instead of accustoming ourselves with the hues of black in our concrete jungle. Visiting Mother Nature’s wonderful creations away from the populated city will eventually set your mind to look at scenarios differently. A clearer mind will logically boost up your creativity, productivity and analytical thinking. After all, the sky is never always blue. It changes from violet, orange, red and pitch black with occasional some rainbow colors along the horizon. Even the fishes come in different shapes, colors and sizes. With the knowledge from your little exploration in a peaceful state of mind, you tend to be more efficient in doing the best. It’s the best stimulant and it’s free.

Less regrets in your life – It’s like a bucket list where you will plan out a list of things you will do before you die~ LOL~ The main purpose of creating your list is to maximize every moment of our existence and live our life to the fullest. At least, we have a goal towards what matters most to us. If you do not find the time to do what you love while you are alive, you might regret it at your death bed. It’s a taboo for many to think about it but this is a reality. I’m sure no one will have the last wish as “I wished I had spent more time at work and stop wasting time on vacations.”

Inner self studies – Regardless of whether you are a female or a male, everyone tends to have their “PMS” days with unpredicted mood swings. Just because you are not in the best of your moods, would you bark on everyone who passes by? Is that how you would like others to treat you when they are in their worst moods? It’s all about “to forgive and to forget” and not like a grapevine protruding its “tales” into an already complicated environment. Sometimes, we need to sit quietly at one corner and study ourselves well with the five “W”s and one “H”. Depending on your personal self studies, questions might include the examples as follow. Why is everyone treating me this way? Who are they? Where have I gone wrong? What did I do wrong to deserve such treatments? Which action have I executed wrongly? How can I rectify myself to be a better person?

As for me, I will always storm the 5 “W”s and 1 “H” questions in my head, especially when I don’t have any personal time for a healthier lifestyle. Why am I not having the required rest I deserved for all the hard work I had put in? Who are stopping me from going for a vacation? Where have I gone wrong that I don’t have time off? What did I do wrong to deplete myself from having some rest and relaxation? Which are the best solutions so that I can have more time for myself? How can I find ways to make the existing system become self dependent without my presence? Well, it’s a never ending process anyway and the questions will be double folds or triple folds within each question you have in your mind. Those are stresses too right?

In fact, you can always control your own life by being in the present and temporary put on hold any future projects. Just pack your bag, clear your mind and go for your personal relaxation now. Towards the end of the day, you will find that you had become a rejuvenated person filled with more energy and brain juice to pursue on any oncoming projects. Moreover, you will become a better person with more conscience to move towards a rightful and fruitful journey in life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?