Written by crizlai on Jan 11th, 2010 | Filed under:

The winter of 2009-2010 could set a new record in the history of America as the worst winter ever for the past 2 decades and more. To date, some states had experienced temperature hitting 40 degrees below zero. Almost the entire population of the eastern half of the United States is trying their best to endure the severely low temperature. It looked as if it would be a nationwide chill for many with increasing chill levels overnight even in states such as Florida.
With such bad weather for everyone, don’t you think it would be great if everyone were to have cozy moments by the fireplace this winter? Finding good logs for the fireplace would be almost impossible with such bones drilling chill, won’t you think it would be better to get an electric fireplace instead?
I won’t mind having a freestanding electric stove in my living room right now too. At least it would be portable and less costly than some of the built-in fireplace. It would also be nice to spend some warm moments with my family without even worrying about the coldness out there. I felt like not moving away from the electric stove after experiencing such comfort. Thanks to the convenience of having the remote features where I can just click by the mode of a remote control. Don’t you think life can be much more comfortable now?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 4th, 2010 | Filed under:

Gone were the days where wired hand free headsets were the rage of that period. Not only were the sets bulky, they get spoiled easily. Today you see a brand new type of wireless gadget practically on the heads of many young professionals as well as those in their golden ages. What are those called? They are the Bluetooth Wireless Headsets.
Thanks to its breakthrough technology, people are now able to talk on their mobile phones in a totally new way. Bluetooth headset is an invaluable tool to boost up the efficiency and productivity in a working environment. Being wireless, tasks that require the usage of both hands can be accomplished within the shortest period of time.
With the advancement in the Bluetooth technology, some brands of headsets can even allow pairing with as many as eight devices at one time and with two devices working simultaneously. Isn’t that great? Now life would be easier if you were to own a set too.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 4th, 2010 | Filed under:

It was just a normal and quiet off day for me when I went out to run some errands around town. Out from nowhere suddenly came out a truck from a junction. Without hesitating for any moment, I immediately stepped on the brake to avoid collision but somehow I was not swift enough and my car got brushed at the side by the speeding truck and all the front part of my car collapsed. Being an alert and careful driver all the time ever since I started driving, the action at the very moment saved my life. Unfortunately, my car did not manage to survive from the torture. Part of the engine spurred out from the car.
I was glad that I had sought the advice of my colleague to check out the auto insurance quote some time back and got the best deal. If not, it would have taken quite awhile before I can get my car fixed and running.
There are hundreds of auto insurance company around and how would you know which one would suit your needs? Well, most people would choose a policy that would have the best coverage at an affordable price. No matter what, choose carefully and narrow down to a few best deals. Just remember that paying lesser does not necessary mean that you have the best coverage. Be smart not to leave out any possible loop hole in your insurance quote.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 4th, 2010 | Filed under:

Would you believe that I almost got myself locked in my own bedroom? Well, it happened when my bedroom door lock decided to fail on me one early morning when everyone else had gone to work. I was lucky that I had some tools lying around in my bedroom when I was installing my bedroom wardrobe a few days back. If not, who do you think would save me from my own “hell” when I had accidentally left my mobile out in the living room the day before for recharging?
When I bought the property, I thought replacing the still usable door knob was a waste of money. I had never even realized that it would also bring such a bad trauma to my life. “Huh? Locked in my own bedroom? This should not be happening to me as the lock did not show any wear and tear signs all these while.” was the first thought that came into my mind. “What am I going to do with no one around the house even if I were to shout out loud?”
After that bad experience, I was enlightened with the facts that certain common household brands might not always be safe in a long run. What would happen if there was a fire instead? I might not be even alive here ranting now on the benefits of using better quality products. Somehow, I trusted Baldwin hardware a lot as I never had any problems with the products ever since. I really like the quality and security in their products.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 29th, 2009 | Filed under:

Moving to Philadelphia, the largest city in Pennsylvania and the sixth most populous city in the United States has been real smooth flowing. All along I thought living in a state with more than 7 million in population would be tough when it comes to seeking for job employment. I was wrong as I had found a great job employment agency specializing in philadelphia inquirer jobs.
There are more than 8,000 jobs available in Philly and some of them required people in specialized fields. I have been in the Advertising and Marketing job in another state for many years and finding the job was rather easy and it took me just within a few clicks. All I need to do was to fill up some questionnaires, post up my resume and the system would alert me on the respective jobs that would match my data.
It’s as easy as that. I found my ideal job just with a matter of days and had been working there for years. Don’t you think it’s convenient to have such agency around to assist us job seekers? If you need a job, just check them out and I’m sure you would be pleased with the results.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?