Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:

If you suddenly feel that you have lose the urge for a healthy lifestyle once you have reach 25 years old, you should check your testosterone level right away. Testosterone deficiency could create metabolic issues almost immediately or the long term consequences could affect a person’s mood swings. These include depression, gaining muscles, fat loss, constantly feeling fatigue, poor libido, lack of concentration and occasional memory loss.
With our present stress-filled lifestyle and not having a balance diet, exercise or even rest, the productivity of testosterone would decrease as age catches up. Thus, the feeling of reduced zest for life began to occur in you. Just ask yourself these few questions. Have you been constantly involved in duties that required stressful long hours? Have you been sleeping late due to urgent matters to be settled without any more delays? When was the last time you thought of having some active bed activities with your partner? Do you get tired more easily than ever? There are more to testosterone deficiency than the ones mentioned above but the more important thing now is to get that testosterone level up.
By raising your testosterone level, you would gain more muscles to your abs while burning off those fats easily. You moods would be enhanced with the necessary aggressiveness and confidence. Healthy libido would not be a problem to you too. There are many natural testosterone remedies available in the market which would be packaged either in cream or pills. Both would equally help you in building up the man in you.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

I’m sure most of us have seen those great food gourmets such as Emmanuel Stroobant or even Anthony Bourdain performing on TV. But I have one big question that has dumbfounded me for so long. How did they maintain their body size to be so perfectly balance with all the lavish eating? Can you imagine the amount of carbohydrates being consumed unsparingly? I would be fat if I were to eat so much.
There must be some hidden secrets behind their successes in maintaining that fit body. With their tight schedules in broadcasting, I’m sure that paying frequent visits to the gym might not be the sole answer. Could they be on fat burning pills? Hmmm… maybe they have found the best ab workout program for that level of fitness.
Although I’m having a job that is related to food as well, I ought to be as fit as them. I’ll need to put in the extra effort to gain back my confidence by having a greater body. I’m sure I can lose some significant stomach fat and get closer to my goal of having a visible six pack abs appearance.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 13th, 2010 | Filed under:

Do you know why most of the time I would rather stay at home to watch DVD movies rather than to visit the cinemas? Most people would say that I’m crazy to stay home to watch outdated movies but I don’t mind at all. There’s one main reason which I dread visiting the cinema. It’s the theater seating space. There were hardly any extra spaces for leg and elbow movements unless I get the premier class seats which would cost almost double the ticket price. Moreover, I always ended up with back pains after each movie.
Staying in the comfort of my living room by lying on my lovely home theater seating has never been more pleasing. I get to adjust my seat to be in such a position that there were no longer any strains to my spine. On top of that, there’s the leg rest that made my legs align well with my body.
Although there’s a small price to pay to own these great seating but being comfortable is more important to bargain for. It’s one investment that you would not regret for your whole life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 13th, 2010 | Filed under:

Do you know what would be the worst nightmare for an agency handling weddings? It would be the tight schedule given to source out gifts for the wedding couple. I still remember vividly the period where I was real stressful. It was the wedding contract I had sealed with a friend to get all the gifts ready for their big day dinner and I was given barely few weeks to source and to come out with the best deal for them.
Time was my greatest enemy then, so was the budget given per item. Proposing the right gifts was easy but the quantity required was almost impossible as the items would not ready within such a short period of time. It was either the items were out of stock or I will need to import in some items from one company and required another company to do the necessary printing or engraving. It was real stressful.
Luckily, I have done some sourcing out during those low peak wedding seasons and managed to have a few suppliers ready for emergencies. Getting groomsmen gifts, bridesmaid gifts, door gifts and so on were as easy as keying in a few spaces. Even the engravings were done perfectly to my liking and the items were sent punctually to my door steps. I would surely use them for any upcoming weddings.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 13th, 2010 | Filed under:

Can you remember the olden days where you would have to close down your shop for a day or two just to conduct your annual stock check? Each day you close for business would mean that you lose out on some sales and it’s a tedious task for just anyone if you have hundreds to thousands items in your inventory. Won’t you think that investing in a barcode scanner would solve all the losses? In fact, it’s a necessary technology for just any company nowadays who are looking for business success.
Owning a barcode scanner would eventually eliminate tedious record keeping, thus more hours can be spent in generating more sales for a company. All one would need is a bit of computer knowledge to print out the barcodes and a bit of time in gluing them onto your products. With the advancement in the barcode printing of today, even the price tag can be combined on the same sticker. Thus, your job would be easier now, right?
With the correct software and an appropriate printer, these user friendly scanners would surely give you more time and control over your business operations. Won’t you want less stress to run your company well?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?