Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2011 | Filed under:

The world of themed café as those from overseas has finally hit Penang with the opening of yet another popular cafe namely Clinic Café. The concept behind this pork-free and alcohol-free themed café was inspired by the atmosphere within a hospital environment where “patients” would come in for their daily “doses” of treatments. Eventually, most “patients” would leave the clinic, contented with their fun-filled “treatments”.
Ever since its first branch opening in Seberang Jaya, Penang in early 2010, Clinic Café has gained many receptive feedback by the public, especially from the young and middle aged groups. With this confidence, Clinic Café has opened another door to those on the island with the opening of its second branch within the premises of Gurney Plaza, Penang. Based on the same concept and theme as its successor, the red and white walled café with tinted glasses of medical products provides a more spacious and comfortable environment for its “patients” to get the best of “treatments”.
Walking into the cafe would be like walking into another state-of-the-art hospital but with a panoramic view of Gurney Drive’s beach front. There would be rows of hospital beds converted into sofas and wheel chairs with operation theatre lamps shining above each table. The walls would be covered with many exhibits, namely posters of the human body functions and medical equipments. There’s even a small clip board at the side of each “bed” to record your “diagnosis”. You might even be surprised to find that the food and beverage area is being named as the Surgery Room. They would ensure that you would be treated with the right “remedies”. If you are unsure of anything, why don’t you check out with the easily available and professionally dressed doctors, nurses and surgical staff? Too bad, you won’t get them to be in sexy nurse lingerie as it’s against the law here to be sexually exposed.
Who said hospital food can be real bad and not appetizing at all? At Clinic Café, you would be ascertained to get your value for money worth of food. There would be items ranging from appetizers, local, oriental, Western, pastas, snacks to fresh juices, smoothies, yoghurts, milkshakes and more. Don’t get shocked on how the food would be presented to you as they may come in aluminum kidney trays, multi dishes trays and laboratory glassware.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2011 | Filed under:

The road along Northam Hotel now named Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah (formerly called Northam Road) was known as the “Millionaire’s Row” in the 1900’s. It housed all the big mansions of all the richest families in Penang. At the beginning of the road at the corner of Pangkor Road next to the presnt Gleneagles Hospital is “Hardwicke House*”, the oldest heritage building on that road. The 3 acre property, built at the turn of the 20th century, was originally owned by the Penang Club which then sold it in 1887 to Dr. WC Brown, a medical doctor from Harley Street. He named it “HARDWICK HOUSE” after “HARDWICK HALL” in Derbyshire, England.
“HARDWICK HALL” owned by the Duke of Devonshire, was built and designed for the Bess of Hardwick, who was at that time, after Queen Elizabeth, the most powerful and richest woman in England. Today it is an English heritage building managed by the National Trust. In 2006, it was selected by a BBC documentary as one of Britain’s Best Buildings. HARDWICK HALL was used as Malfoy Manor in the book and movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”.
In 1905, the house was sold to Khaw Sim Kong of the Raja of Ranong family of Southern Thailand (the most famous member of which is Khaw Sim Bee). During the 1st World War, the house was in turn sold to prominent lawyer Lim Cheng Ean who would later become a Legislative Councilor and the first Chinese magistrate of the Straits Settlement. The last owner occupant of the house was his 3rd son, Lim Kean Siew, a well-known Penang lawyer and social activist. It used to house horse stables and tennis courts.
Today it housed two restaurants, Heritage Coffee and Sommez Heritage Bistro. Walking into the premises was like walking down memories through time. It has a wonderful heritage ambience coupled with an inexpensive dinner over a glass of wine. The whole atmosphere was like during the colonial days where rich businessmen with cigars would frequent the place to seal a deal. It was great to be able to experience such great existence of our history today.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2011 | Filed under:

When your woman put up that sour face, you should know that she’s looking for something that would brighten up her days. What would be the best gift to get that sparkling set of teeth shown? A dazzling white diamond would be the ideal choice since it has been said to be a woman’s best friend. I’m sure you won’t get to wipe out that smile for a long time to come. LOL!
Anyway, there’s the 3Cs to watch out for when you purchase diamonds for your loved ones. They are the Clarity & Color, Cut and Carat. The value of each piece of diamond would depend on the factors above. Most diamonds would have a bit of color which would not be visible to the naked eyes. The more colorless a diamond is the higher the value is. Moreover, the cut is very important. It has to be accurate to show the required brilliance. Lastly, it’s the carat. The heavier it is the more value it has. A carat is approximately about 200 milligrams.
Depending on your budget, diamonds can come in many forms such as necklaces, rings, bracelets, ear rings and many more. I’m sure Diamonds International Jewelry Aruba would be glad to help you make your choice when you are at the Caribbean vacationing.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2011 | Filed under:

Have you experienced testing out your driving skill in parking your car into your driveway? It may sound easy but try doing that when the whole place looked like a secondary jungle. It’s even more mind boggling when you have tons of groceries to bring indoor and you can’t even get your car door to open wide. Each time you tried to get your family members to help you out in cutting the grasses, you would hear more excuses than ever. No one is willing to spend hours trimming the grass and your hands are forever tight with the daily chores to handle that hard and sweaty job.
There are many times when you had thought of calling in some casual workers to handle the task but eventually you gave up that decision as the cost of employing others to do the job might eat into your monthly budget. What else could you do except to leave the lawn as your last priority in your “want-to-do” list? In a long run, this might not be such a good idea as it may attract unnecessary pests which might be bring threats to everyone’s safety.
What would you do then if you had encountered such a headache? Would you buy a manual lawn mower which would be at least better than your old grass cutter or would you invest in motored lawn mowers such as the honda mowers? I would think having one great one would be the best to cut down some precious time. Don’t you? 🙂
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 5th, 2011 | Filed under:

Calcium is one mineral that is important in everyone’s diet. By having calcium deficiency, one may experience a long term effect of the bones thinning, osteoporosis or osteomalacia. It has been known through a recent study that the deficiency may lead to other diseases such as hypertension, high blood pressure or even colon cancer.
Some major symptoms of calcium deficiency can be detected clearly on people who would look rather pale, energy drained, tired, easily nervous, suffer from mental derangements and sensitive to cold temperature. Due to the changes in the bones and muscles, a calcium deficient person may have porous and fragile bones, tooth decay, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, and so on which may lead to other health complications if left untreated. Back cramps, joint pains, tingling and numbness are a few of other symptoms that one may experience.
Luckily, there are ways to prevent having calcium deficiency today as you could have the adequate amount either in a dietary form or as a calcium supplement. Of course, it would best if you could approach your respective health care provider or your medical practitioner for more advice on calcium deficiency.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?