Written by crizlai on Jan 16th, 2011 | Filed under:
weight loss

I have been consuming too much of good food recently and it had shown quite obviously through my waist line. That would surely not be a great sign to be in great shape. Sickness would indeed hit me when I least expected. It could well be a great blow to my future. I think it’s about time I go on a strict diet plan but would that alone help me to stay healthy always? I’m not sure about that. I might need to try other alternatives as well to ensure that I would always have an energetic life and a strong immune system.
Should I go for a colon cleansing product? The Ancient Egyptians and Greeks had used alternative medical therapy to remove feces and nonspecific toxins from the colon and intestinal tract. It was believed that toxins from your gastrointestinal tract can cause a variety of health problems. By getting rid of the toxins, it would somehow help in promoting better health. Thus, it would also reduce some weights in the long run. I was kind of skeptical how this method of detoxification would help me since there are a few methods involved in colon cleanse, by special equipments through hydrotherapy or in form of dietary supplements.
Somehow by checking through one of the recommended colon cleanse product in the market, I found out that the latter method seemed to be well accepted by the public. That product has one major ingredient that I have heard so much about – Psyllium Husks. Originated from the India and Pakistan region, these husks had higher fiber content than oat bran. The husks are soluble and would enhance the lipid and sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, it would effectively helps in reducing the body weight. Cool! That should be great for some weight loss now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 16th, 2011 | Filed under:
weight loss

Being born in a state famous for its great food does have a side effect on me. Somehow, I lacked the discipline to control my food intake. Who could have resisted all the delicious food around each loops and corners of the streets? No matter where I go, I would surely have something in my hands and busily biting or munching away. Now all my friends are beginning to take note of the big bulge from my tummy. Even my Mom has been complaining, “Hey! You better get rid of that big tummy of yours or you will be having lots of health issues later.”
That statement got me worried as I indeed had some health issues now. I would easily get tired and sleepy even during day time. Frequent chest pains and backaches might be some symptoms to watch out for. If I don’t take care of my weight now, it might lead to other major disease such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, cancer, constipation, dyslipidaemia, osteoarthritis and many other scientific names that scared the hell out of me.
I did try to get some exercises but eventually the moods and motivation to maintain dies off as fast as it started. There are so many brands of diet pills from all over the world lying on my table now but none gave me the results as I would have expected them to do so. I really need some top diet pills that really work right now. It’s time I should get my health back to the tip top condition it once used to be.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 15th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

Devil: Oooo… look at all those delicious and succulent dishes on the buffet spread. Let’s jump in and gobble everything up like there’s no tomorrow.
Angel: Errr… I will forgo your wild food expedition this time, Devil. I have put on so much weight tagging along with you all these while.
Devil: Why worry now Angel? Savor the best while you can. You won’t get to have hot sizzling grills and fresh seafood spreads on your buffet line all the time. Gosh! Look at that giant roasted lamb leg! Slurps~
Angel: Stop tempting me Devil! You are making my saliva dripping endlessly!
Devil: Abalone salad! Prawn cocktail! Grill cod fish! Salmon sushi! Black Pepper beef steak! Roasted duck! This roasted duck is real good. You want a bite, Angel?
Angel: Arghh! See No Evil! Hear No Evil! Eat No Evil!
Devil: Come on Angel. A little bite won’t make you grow fat. Hehehe…
Angel: No! You have your natural sauna down there to help you trim down. All I have up there are blue skies and natural cool air. Just look at the layers of my belly fat now! I looked so unhealthy!
Devil: LOL! That’s your problem. Who ask you to eat lavishly and never go for any exercise? I run a lot all over the world creating mischief and havocs. You just sit up there waiting for the human to cry for help. Isn’t that the results of your inactiveness?
Angel: Errr…
Devil: Come on. Forget about all those dieting and join me in this feasting. Worst come to worst, I’ll just get you some weight loss products to help you lose weight.
Angel: Hmm… Ok! Let’s hit the buffet line. Just make sure you keep to your promise and get me those products. I don’t want to turn obese or it would be harder for me to move about to clean up your messes.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

I’m sure most of us have seen those great food gourmets such as Emmanuel Stroobant or even Anthony Bourdain performing on TV. But I have one big question that has dumbfounded me for so long. How did they maintain their body size to be so perfectly balance with all the lavish eating? Can you imagine the amount of carbohydrates being consumed unsparingly? I would be fat if I were to eat so much.
There must be some hidden secrets behind their successes in maintaining that fit body. With their tight schedules in broadcasting, I’m sure that paying frequent visits to the gym might not be the sole answer. Could they be on fat burning pills? Hmmm… maybe they have found the best ab workout program for that level of fitness.
Although I’m having a job that is related to food as well, I ought to be as fit as them. I’ll need to put in the extra effort to gain back my confidence by having a greater body. I’m sure I can lose some significant stomach fat and get closer to my goal of having a visible six pack abs appearance.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 5th, 2009 | Filed under:
weight loss

It may sound a bit crazy to try to trim down my waistline when the wedding reception would just be a month away but I have decided to do it anyway. The ideal way for losing weight would still be constant exercising but with such a short time in hand, I might just have to look for other alternatives.
I did hear about an older brand of appetite suppressant which had successfully lowered the weight of many consumers, especially in the cases of those suffering from obesity. The adipex diet pills would suppress appetite, increase energy and eventually help you lose weight. Somehow, I also overheard that the results by the usage can be extremely short lived. Moreover, it can cause more serious side effects than it is worth.
Well, I should have pushed myself earlier to get some exercises but now it’s rather too late and quite impossible to lose the required weight. Is it? I would surely need solutions on how to lose 10lbs within the month now. How I wish I could just cut off the fat around my waistline now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?