Written by crizlai on Dec 13th, 2009 | Filed under:

What do you know about AED? It’s actually an abbreviation for Automated External Defibrillator, a ready to use portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the potentially life threatening cardiac arrest of a victim. These AEDs often are normally bright in colors and are mounted in protective cases near the entrance of buildings such as corporate and government offices, shopping centers, airports, restaurants, casinos, hotels, sports stadiums, schools and universities, community centers, fitness centers, health clubs, workplaces and any other location where people may congregate.
Why is it so important to have an AED around even in homes and vehicles, especially when a household member is known to have existing heart conditions? It’s useful and handy to carry and you may never know when you would need one around to save the life of a loved one.
The AED would not function as to shock “flat line” patterns. Instead, it would only treat the dysfunctional patterns of the heart as well as the chaotic beating of the heart. Every minute a victim in cardiac arrest gets treated by defibrillation, the chance of survival would increase by 10 percent prior to the arrival of an ambulance with professional help. Won’t you think it’s a great idea to own one around just in case of any emergencies? Nowadays, the price for one is quite reasonable for just any households.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

When was the last time you ever sat down with your partner to enjoy your evening away in a perfect environment? Most of us would just utter “Errr…”! No matter whether you are still dating or married for many years, life would somehow get monotonous if nothing was done to spice things up. “Surprises” is the key for a closer relationship. Taking your “date” to a posh restaurant might be a good surprise but in the end of the day, your budget may burst due to the unnecessary expenditure incurred unless you are rich enough to foot the bills without thinking twice. But then, there won’t be much of a surprise as dining out would be such a routine.
Why don’t you plan something way out from your norm as to prepare a meal for your partner in the comfort of your home? It does not have to be a grand affair but getting some takeaways and lay the food on the table might not be cool at all. Even though if you have never stepped foot into a kitchen before, you can always get some simple recipes online and get them prepared with ease. You can even consult your friends for some great recipes which you can whip up in no time.
On the day of the surprise, just make sure that your partner would be available for an eat-out. Prior to her returning home from work or some errands, storm the kitchen with the ingredients that you had pre-ordered. Work out a menu to be served and work on your culinary skills to surprise her. It might not turn out great as a first timer but it’s your action that will make her stunned.
To create a great ambience for the occasion, set your indoor lighting right. Get a dimmer for your lighting if you have to. Dim down the lights and set a couple of candles, some floral arrangement and a stalk of rose just for her on the table for a romantic dinner ahead. You may want to play some soft background music to bring back the days of your early dating. If you think that this romantic rendezvous might not be good enough to impress her, you can always cook up something special that may make this special day the date of your life time. After all, how successful the surprise will be lies in the creativity within your heart and soul.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Aug 8th, 2008 | Filed under:

I have quite a number of friends who are involved in some sort of investment one way or another. Some made it big where else some barely made it. What made those people how successful they are in depends on how knowledgeable and technically equipped they are. No all of us have that gift built in us. In fact, those who are successful in futures trading are those risk takers who are very seasoned in this game.
If you are a beginner in this futures trading, I would advice that you get the professional assistance from some of the qualified and experienced brokers easily available in the market. They will surely guide you personally to ensure that you maximized your potential to succeed. There may be many methods on how you can apply in your trading but somehow I felt that the technical way would be quite ideal for many beginners. All you need to do is to have the patience to learn up the tools to familiarize yourself in spotting trends that will give you a better picture of the specific market you are planning to invest in.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?