Written by crizlai on Sep 22nd, 2009 | Filed under:

Hmm… I had fed her punctually daily and why is she still showing me that pathetic weak look again? Is she trying to gain more of my special attention or something is not right with her diet? Will she need more supplements to boast up the energy of hers? These are some of the thoughts that would strike most of a pet owner’s mind whenever a pet looked rather low in spirit. That’s the love bond between animal lovers and their pets. No matter how mischievous a pet might get to test our patience, towards the end of the day we would still love them and pamper them as if they were our flesh and blood. After all, pets are great companions to reduce our stress level, blood pressures, cholesterol level, triglyceride level and loneliness while raising our self esteem.
It has been medically proven that those with pets are much healthier compared to those who do not own one. Having a human-pet bond not only lessened our health issues but it also offers many social, psychological and physiological benefits. It would open up a bridge for communication opportunities, lower the anxiety levels and at the same time motivate a person to push himself forward to pick one up or exercise while taking his pet out for a walk. A survey done some years back on tens of thousands different nationalities throughout the world for a 5-year period found that those with pets had fewer visits to the doctors. In fact, with the attachment towards their pet, the owners had reduced depression, less stressful in their lives and had improved exercise habits.
I owned 7 cats and one dog in my family and they sure did brighten up my days. Although I had always branded them as the brats in the family for messing up things during the most unexpected time, they are still the loves of my life. Life could not have been any better than to have them around to instill some daily laughs with some of their awkward actions. It could be any pet of any sizes for you but as long as you kept them happy and healthy always, you would be in the same position too. Other than the reputable brands of feed around, there are supplements that would also boost up their health. Just look around the market place, there would always be the right canine supplements, feline supplements, bird supplements and even horse supplements around that would suit your need. Remember this – If they are healthy, so would you!
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 21st, 2009 | Filed under:

I have been working in this office for the last few years and everything seemed to be fine until now. I have never felt so low in motivation and lethargic before. Something does not feel right here. It kind of felt like the whole working place turned so stuffy and stale. I even felt that my skin had gone dryer and dryer each day without the application of some hand and body moisturizing lotion. If solutions have not been found soon, I will end up an old hag in no time.
Could it be due to those humidifiers I have in the office? Maybe it’s time get those humidifier filters changed as I had not done so since I had first purchased them. By the look of those cracked wooden furniture near those humidifiers as well as the frequent static shocks I had experience recently, I guessed those humidifiers were the culprit behind all the dryness.
Ah! Finally I had all the humidifier filters changed. How much relieve I am in with a higher humidity level in the office now. Thanks to the replacement of the filters that I can at least work more comfortably in a cleaner office without loosing anymore moisture.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 7th, 2009 | Filed under:

I still could not believe why there are still so many people in this present technologically equipped world are still having the phobia of being approached by an insurance agent. The word “insurance” does not necessary has to be related to the “D” word where a life would be at stake. It could just as well be for other areas pertaining to natural calamities or man-made damages or losses like fire, flood, earthquake, theft etc. It is a good financial plan that seemed to be overlooked by many people until they have faced head on with the tragedy loss of a loved one or even the inadequate insurance coverage they have on their assets.
Most people would just stay in the comfort zone, having the wrong perception that they or their loved ones would not meet with any accidents. Eventually, in most cases, it was too late to turn back the clock. What’s the reason for procrastinating while you know exactly that having the right insurance premium would ease yours or your immediate family’s financial burden in time of unexpected situations? Having not enough time, money or delaying the immediate action to get one covered are some of the lamest excuses and failures in a person’s life decision making. The future is just as important as the present.
Auto insurance would probably get the most attention as it would be a “must-have” insurance coverage while owning a vehicle but getting the right insurance agency does matter too. There are so many auto insurance quotes out there for you to choose from but you have to be wary of the terms and conditions it has to expedite claims. Moreover, please choose carefully a reputable agency to handle all your insurance needs as well as one with higher deductibles on your premiums. Won’t that be great to save a bit more on your yearly expenses?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

Having a long distance relationship has been hard enough when you would get to meet up with your prominent half barely few times in a year. When the time comes and yet you could not find the time to be with her just because you are in the midst of a critical situation where your business needed all your attention, you get panic! It would a dilemma whether to spend time with the one you love or to spend time in your business which would support your livelihood. It’s a headache right?
Sometimes, I felt that I should be spending more time with my family and loved one instead of spending endless hours in the office handling all the paperwork. Setting up a business might be easy but to make ensure the success of the whole company might not be easy when you try to cut cost in employing more people to handle the respective areas in the company. Most of my time would be spent in monitoring, analyzing and planning the company’s business performance. It sounded like an easy job but when you are involved in seeing figures and more figures in calculating the Returns On Investment (ROI), you might think otherwise.
With all the competitions around, I have to be more committed to ensure the smooth running of the company. Maybe I should just seek the expertise of those software development consulting firms to ease my job burden here. I’m sure they would have the relevant business intelligence tools to suit my needs. I would really need someone to define, design and deliver optimal software applications that would enable my company to achieve its business vision. With all that off my head, I could at least have more time in hand to be with my loved ones.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Aug 28th, 2009 | Filed under:

The floggers’ gathering evening of “Fun, Wild & Intimate” as the theme was for that night was unique. We had Bulgarian food. The dinner started with a choice between two soups – Mushroom Soup with Vintage Garlic Bread and Seafood Soup. Both were delicious. As for the main dish, we can opt for Bulgarian Pork Djolan (Traditional roasted pork knuckle), Baked Cod Fish Fillet in Creamy mushroom sauce, Chicken Stroganov (Boneless chicken drumstick cut into strips, cooked with mushroom, wine, cream, herbs & spices), Plovdiv Ribs (Tasty pork ribs grilled till tender) and Bulgarian Platter. These were followed with another two choices of desserts which were Chocolate Soup and Chocolate Cream Brulee.
When I thought that was all that they would have for the fun-filled gathering, the organizer announced that there were more food sponsors for the night. We were given more sweet treats courtesy of Winter Butterfly Homemade Cakes with the availability of Oreo Cheese Cake, Cream Cheese Mousse Cake and Chocolate Brownies. Moreover, we were also treated with some delicious gelatos from Gelatisimo. It was a night of eating, eating and eating nonstop.
Gosh! The large portion of the high calorie main dishes plus all the sweet dessert, have indeed affected my diet plans for the weekends. The reading of calories and glucose had gone beyond the safety level but I’m not panicking. Who would if you have the top rated weight loss pills around to justify the excess food feasting?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?