Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

I thought those pesky little acnes would disappear from my forehead and cheeks once I had passed my twenties but I was so wrong. Was I? Maybe there are some truths in the disappearance right on my face since I had gone over the hormonal changes as a teen. Somehow as I grew older, those acnes did get lesser but bigger instead as they “migrate” to my other parts of body, basically on jaw line, neck, chest, back and even on the butt. I don’t know what else can be as stressful as that in the working world where I would be in constant meet ups with clients. Those big and bulky looking acnes could be such a big distraction!
Adult acnes are so common nowadays with more and more products being launched by the dermatology and beauty industries. There are many reasons for adult acnes ranging from stress to easy infestation of bacteria during an adult’s more heavy, sweaty and intense exercises. In short, we are stewing up acnes in our own sweat and they sure love the heated up processes. Surprisingly, adult women have more acne problems compared to adult men from the market research of a reputable brand. Well, I won’t touch more on that as we know that women’s hormones tend to fluctuate more than men’s. That would explain the reasons behind the less constant but more erratic acne problems.
So how are you going to treat adult acne if you have a wide range of products out there on the marketplace? It will depend on the sensitivity of your skin. The best would be to consult a dermatologist to get the best solution to your adult acne issues. Most of the consumers would look for those all natural products which would not contain any potentially harmful ingredients such as benzol peroxide, mineral oils, harmful alcohols, tetracycline, lanolin and parabens but again this will depend on your dermatologist’s advice. Leave it to the expert’s to stop the outbreak and guide you to your stress free days.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

Very often we do hear people of all ages laughing at another person’s disproportionately fat bodies and this had made quite a large quantity of those verbally abused victims trying out various weight loss programs available in the market place. But how assured will that person be in losing weight and yet doing it in a healthy way?
It’s true that we are what we consume but there’s a small mechanism in each individual that does not function identically. That’s called metabolism. Some people would puff up with just a small amount of food whereas others would remain as skinny as ever no matter how much they gobble up. In most cases, it would be the former as the statistics for obesity had increased quite significantly over the years.
There are many weight loss programs in the market and not all of them have medical backups to prove that they will work. In order to get one that will help in reducing the unwanted fat, you will need to study through all the programs available. This could be quite time consuming as it would involve in the checking of the many products available and comparing them based on effectiveness, speed, safety, long term results and value for money. No matter how you go about searching for the ideal solution, you should get the bestdiet supplements that work well for you. After all, we should stay as healthy as possible with healthier supplements.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

Yes, men do have similar PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) symptoms as ladies and it’s not a surprising fact too. The fluctuation of hormone levels can occur as many as 3-4 times a day for the rest of their lives. Some may call it mid-life crisis or even life pressures and these irregular mood swings are caused by depression and anxiety. It is DYSTHYMIA. Most men takes Dysthymia less seriously and most of the time this mild depression would be ignored totally, thus leaving them in a chronic and emotional state for many years. You might lead an unhappy life, work or education stress, financial burden and love relationships but if dysthymia is not treated earlier with the necessary measurement, it would eventually lead to severe depression. Some known dysthymia related outcome would be a high rate of suicide, work impairment and social isolation. These Delta 8 vape pens can be the solution to these problems by making you feel more relaxed and clear headed, get it here https://freshbros.com/delta-8-vape-pen-thc-disposable-cartridge.
A lot of the guys out there are totally unaware that they had slowly slipped into depression as early as in their teens as most of them had adjusted to their worsening moods and were immune to it. For you guys out there, let’s get a piece of blank paper and answer some questionnaires on your life for the past 2 years as stated below. It’s either a “yes” or a “no”. There’s no “maybe” ok?
1. Do you have poor appetite or overeating problem most of the time?
2. Do you have inconsistent weight loss or gain without any diet plans?
3. Do you tend to feel lethargic or tired during at odd times?
4. Do you have prolonged insomnia or oversleeping problems?
5. Do you feel lost, sad or “blank” most of the time?
6. Do you tend to finish a task longer than it takes as your mind runs wild all the time?
7. Do you take a longer period to give an answer to a straightforward decision making?
8. Do you always feel that you are hopeless, guilty or lost interest in every task?
9. Do you always get irritated and temperamental easily over small matters?
10. Do you have persistent headaches, indigestive systems or chronic bodily pain that refused to response to any medication?
11. Do you feel unhappy, sad and negative as if the world owes you a lot most of the time?
12. Do you think you have been rather anti-social?
13. Have you ever thought of suicide or contemplating suicide?
14. Does your family tree have a history of with depression, alcoholism or nervous breakdowns?
So, how is your result? If you have more than 6 “yes” to the questionnaires, I think you would need to think seriously about getting your life straight again by seeking medical advice or natural treatment for depression. Everyone deserved to lead a happier life at all times.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 13th, 2009 | Filed under:

You would ask me why, right? Without a job, how would a person be able to pay his bills and to feed himself well? Don’t get me wrong here as we would still need a job to make a living but hunting for a job has never been easier now than before. Regardless of whichever state you are in the States, you would surely find a job that would suit your requirement. How? With the establishment of a job employment agency that gathers all the requirements of employers and the resumes of job seekers under one website, finding a job or hunting for a worker has been much easier.
Have you heard of the company by the name of beyond.com? It has the world’s largest network of niche career communities that housed thousands of sites with hundreds of channels under one network. Hunting for a job by industry or location would just be a few clicks away.
You can start away to search for your ideal job by logging in the website, key in your job title or preferred company name, followed by your preferred location. Once you enter the search button, a long list of potential companies would appear for you to browse further. It’s that simple. Well, you would need a resume for your employers to review you and filling up the necessary particulars is free. If you are jobless or planning to change your job, why don’t you check out the site right now?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 23rd, 2009 | Filed under:

“… I hate my life as I was never happy and I don’t feel like waking up anymore in the morning. There was nothing else to look forward to as everyone who saw me called me ugly. Most of the time, I would consider suicide just to end all these stresses and word abuses…”
Believe it or not, that statement has been influencing the minds of many adolescents from all over the world just because they could not handle their acne problems. In a research by conducted by a university, it was found that 34% of young people with acne issues had thoughts of killing themselves while 13% had attempted suicide. At this age, image and identity plays an important role in their lives. Any adverse psychological effects would pose a danger and a risk of them committing stupid acts when they are so hard hit by their so called inferior complex.
I just wondered why they are feeling so stressed out when there are so many acne treatments out there to solve their problems. This is just another phase of growing up and everyone tends to face it at one time or another through their journey in life. Acne problems are just like any other dermal problems as they would need time to heal and you can’t expect them to just disappear overnight. All you need is the determination and courage to face them. After all, aren’t both factors part of our life training to move forward to become successful in the future?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?