Written by crizlai on Sep 29th, 2008 | Filed under:

Having a surprise party to congratulate a few of my staff on their recent promotions was sure a great one. It showed that with a harmonious working environment and teamwork, they had managed work hand in hand closely with everyone to seal the biggest contract ever in the history of the company. Isn’t that just wonderful?
Oh no! Whose smart idea was it to throw some confetti in the office to celebrate their success? Can you imagine the amount of those teeny weenie circles being scattered all over the carpet? Gosh! Even the hard reached corners had them. Don’t they know that it would be really hard to clear those mess they had created? I guessed I won’t want to spoil their joyous moods now. I would just get the cleaners to clear them after we had done with the party.
It would not be so hard for them at all after I had invested in a commercial carpet extractor cum cleaner as one of my office supplies for the company. I have seen them using that equipment and it sure helped make their lives so much easier. You should have seen how fast they had cleaned those hard reached corners. It was within seconds. I have never regretted making the investment ever since.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 19th, 2008 | Filed under:

I did a little survey amongst my friends to find out what their fears were and surprisingly other than being in financial crisis, the next was to have acnes on their faces. Living in a tropical country has one major disadvantage and that would be the humidity almost throughout the year. Hot weather causes sweat and eventually sweat would clog those open pores with bacteria, oil, greases and dirt. Thus, acnes would pop up on the face if no proper cleansers were used.
There are so many acne related products in the market. What would you use for your acne treatment? Whatever you choose, go for something that contains natural or herbal ingredients. It might take you time and money to get the products that will suit your sensitive skin but the time spent would be worth your efforts. One thing you have to take note is that not necessary the most expensive product will cure your acne problems. Although the product might be scientifically proven for majority of users, there are chances you may be in the minority group that would not agree to the product. Get a skin scan. You would have a clearer picture of what type of products are suitable for your skin type.
No matter what acne products you use, you would still need to wash your face at least twice a day. Keep those hands off your face as you would tend to scratch your face unconsciously when it becomes itchy. Popping acne pimples would not be what you want to speed up your already affected face. Remember to watch your diet, sleep early, drink lots of water and exercise regularly to prevent acne breakouts.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 17th, 2008 | Filed under:

What do you understanding by the meaning of BPM? BPM is the acronym used for Business Process Management or sometimes as Business Performance Management. It is a set of processes that will optimize the business performance of an organization by making efficient use of the available resources such as human resources, financial resources, liquid assets, technologies and so on.
There are many available articles online as well as on books regarding BPM and this useful information is gaining lots of acknowledgements from companies all over the world. Not only would the process help the company in risk analysis, it would also forecast problems right at the root and give out alerts for immediate corrective measurements.
BPM would be useful for companies which are looking seriously into the meeting of the organization’s performance goals as the process would involve continuous feedback loops to ensure that the organization’s business processes are right on track to its strategies and is performing as expectations. Thus, the profits of the company would eventually increase too.
You should check out PROPHIX, the proud recipient of DM Review’s Innovative Solution Award for CPM and named “2008 Midmarket BPM Vendor of the Year” by BPM Partners. They deliver budgeting, forecasting, reporting, consolidation, personnel planning and other financial functions in a single solution. Their software is easy to use with minimal IT involvement which will provide the benefit of rapid implementation and a lower total cost of ownership.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 28th, 2008 | Filed under:

It always gets into my nerves when some inconsiderate housemates force unwanted food down the kitchen sink and caused it to clog. Not only will the sink emit unpleasant odor, it will also stall my process of preparing a meal as more and more unwashed dishes get stacked up. I still wonder why some people have that bad habit when the rubbish bin is just a step away. What would you do when you have clogged kitchen sinks or drains in the house? Using harmful chemicals to unclog the kitchen sinks might not be a good idea as that is where we handle all the food we consume, not forgetting the utensils that we wash there daily.
Here are some of the measurements I applied to prevent such happenings. Firstly, I would use a food trapper to trap all the remains from the washing of the dishes and throw the remains into the rubbish bag. With this preventive measurement, I still get some inconsiderate housemates forcing food remains down the pipeline. When will they learn to be more responsible? That’s a big question mark!
Whenever situation like this occur, I would have to think of the next step which is to mix up some non-chemical based solution to flush the food remains down the drain. One of the more commonly used solutions I did was to mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar in a large container and pour fizzing solution quickly down the sink pipeline and left it covered for about 10 minutes. The combined solution will break the fatty acids into soap and glycerine. I would then pour a kettle of boiling water down the pipeline to further flush it down. This method has never failed so far as I have smooth flowing drainage after each application. If you have problems with clogged kitchen sinks or drains, you should try this method out.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 27th, 2008 | Filed under:

What do you know about latest business trend on the market now? Each year, millions of business owners set up their businesses but only a small percentage of them got their products and services involved in eCommerce. The reasons behind the small percentage are very obvious. Either the businesses are not planning for a long term ROI (Return on Investment) or they are not confident in the technicality and security of getting payment done online.
Fear no more as we now have Merchant Focus which had the experiences of processing thousands of successful merchants right here to meet your needs. With their authorize.net you can be assured of the safety, security and reliability of their online payment system. Not only did the company build and market eCommerce for some of the most successful internet and retail merchants in the industry, they had gained the confidence of many by becoming one of the fast growing leaders in the payment processing industry.
If you have eCommerce businesses which you would like to expand, Phone and Mail Order businesses which you would like to ease the payment mode for your clientele or Auctions and Retail Store fronts which you would like to look into the possibilities of opening up more payment modes, do not hesitate to contact their ever helpful staff for a proposal. Most of their applications are approved within 2 business days.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?