Written by crizlai on Jun 20th, 2008 | Filed under:

I could still remember vividly that night when it happened. I was on a bike and had a collision with a dog on the road. The dog appeared be unharmed and ran away but I ended up be flung onto the road with bruises and swell on my right hand and right ankle. There was not much blood as I was wearing a long sleeves jacket and jeans on that night. Luckily I was not speeding and there were no oncoming cars or else I would be in heaven by now.
I was still able to walk although the weight of my big bike was right on top of my right ankle, and visited the nearest clinic. My face was all green from the mild shock I had when the doctor checked on my wounds. Bodily aches and pain crept in not long after that and the doctor prescribed Nurofen 400 to me as well as some Acriflavine to apply on the wound.
Everything was fine until I took the medication provided by the doctor. I thought being a bit drowsy was fine but it got worst. The world was twirling and swirling right in front of my eyes. My eyes became watery and itchy and my face was swollen. I tried to get up many times but was pinned down by the heaviness I felt on the head. It was like a living hell as I had to suffer for a whole day before the side effect went off.
I was again lucky to be alive. I found out through another doctor friend of mine that I had experienced an allergy reaction to NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and the culprit is ibuprofen which was in the Nurofen tablets that I had consumed. Can you imagine the danger of not knowing what was in the medicine when you are staying alone? From then onwards, I studied and worked closely with an allergist on the drugs that I am sensitive to and got the list engraved on a medical bracelet. I might have escaped death this time but I might not be so lucky the next time.
If you have history of severe reactions because of drug allergy or aspirin sensitivity, it is advisable that you wear one of the assortments of medical id bracelets easily available in the market. This is to ensure that in cases of emergencies, the attending personnel will be alerted on the medications that you are allergic to.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2008 | Filed under:

“There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don’t know about it, that’s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem, it is merely a symptom of what’s going on inside you.” – T. Harv Eker
It is undeniable that trying to be rich is what most people will have in their minds all the time but thinking without actions will be useless. Will attending courses, seminars, listening to CDs and reading the hundreds of books available in the market really help a person to achieve his dream? In my opinion, it does help when a person have the motivation to succeed in life but how long will this short blast of energy sustain? Most of the time, he will end up where he had started – Square One.
As T. Harv Eker had stated, “If your subconscious FINANCIAL BLUEPRINT is not SET for success, nothing you learn, nothing you know, nothing you do will make much a difference.” Isn’t this statement so true in our lives? Throughout our growing up years, we tried to be successful, just to prove to our parents and others that we can make it. Most of the time, we would encounter more failures and short term successes that we can ever keep track of. No matter how hard we had tried and the long hours we had put into, things just never work out well. Don’t you feel stressful seeing others in the same business soaring successfully while you are in your office “catching flies with a pair of chopsticks”?
It is all in the mind as I had always said. Rich people, middle class and poor people think differently. Rich people would not give up until they had seen their first million, middle class people would just pull through just to make ends meet, whereas poor people would hardly take any actions in improving their lives further. Unless and until the mindset of a person is changed to be successful, nothing will work well. How do I know this? It is because I purchased and read a lot of best selling books on the ways to be successful in life.
You can google on T. Harv Eker and his Millionaire Mind Intensive books and seminars to find out how he has helped thousands of his students and businesses to jump out from their “leaks” in their “toolboxes” to be successful in life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 25th, 2008 | Filed under:

There are many times that we could not decide what will be the best decision in our life. As we grow older and have many commitments in our hands, we tend to get into more and more complicated issues that will decide on how we are going to be in our future. Different people think differently when faced with such situations. What would your decision be if you were to get into one? Let me discuss with you on one case and see how you are going to pull through.
It starts with you not staying with your parents but within the same state as they are. Sometimes, your scope of work would require you to go outstation for a few days to seal a contract or to maintain the rapport with your clients, which is critical to your success in your business.
Scenario 1: You have a pair of elderly parents who had blows in their health life recently and would want someone to take care of the other half’s needs. As a son/daughter who is staying the nearest to them, would you sacrifice what you are doing now and lend a helping hand to ease the functioning of the household during this period of time? Don’t forget, without their sacrifices in your upbringing, you would not be who you are today. On the other hand, without your 100% attention to your online business, you will not sustain your livelihood for the next few months or maybe years or maybe your whole life.
Scenario 2: You are in an online business and business has just began to blossom. Whichever time you have now is critical to how you are going to survive until your old age. Every minutes and seconds count and to take off even a few hours for personal chores is practically not possible. Suddenly one of your parents has some health issues and required to be hospitalized for a few days. The other parent of yours has just recovered from a serious illness not long ago and does not have the energy to even get the household running smoothly. No one would be preparing the meals. Neither will anyone be there to see if there are groceries to be replenished. What about the visits to the hospital and the medical bills that will be incurred?
From the above two scenarios, don’t you think that life is rather complicated? How great it is if man were born to be able to astral project himself to two places at the same time. Now this is a great headache for just anyone as one situation is just as important as the other. To choose one would be unfair, to choose both would be strenuous to your health, mentally and physically. What would you do if you were to face with these situations? Do share out your suggestion here.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?