Written by crizlai on May 13th, 2010 | Filed under:

Do you know why most of the time I would rather stay at home to watch DVD movies rather than to visit the cinemas? Most people would say that I’m crazy to stay home to watch outdated movies but I don’t mind at all. There’s one main reason which I dread visiting the cinema. It’s the theater seating space. There were hardly any extra spaces for leg and elbow movements unless I get the premier class seats which would cost almost double the ticket price. Moreover, I always ended up with back pains after each movie.
Staying in the comfort of my living room by lying on my lovely home theater seating has never been more pleasing. I get to adjust my seat to be in such a position that there were no longer any strains to my spine. On top of that, there’s the leg rest that made my legs align well with my body.
Although there’s a small price to pay to own these great seating but being comfortable is more important to bargain for. It’s one investment that you would not regret for your whole life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 7th, 2010 | Filed under:

With the current heat wave striking this part of the world, having a poolside party would be a great way to chill out. There would be no better way to combine cooling off and having fun with friends and family by the poolside while enjoying the luxurious cuisine that you had prepared for them. You can go for that Hawaiian theme where everyone would be dressed in their best swim suits or Bermudas.
To make your pool party unique and memorable for your guests, do plan some activities that would ensure that everyone would get wet. LOL! Well, just make sure you did put that small clause down in your invitation cards to avoid any disputes. Haha!
To start off, you can always fill your pool with plastic balls with some hidden logos. Kids as well as grownups can dive into the pool to retrieve them. Towards the end of the fun filled activity, a small reward can be given to each winner. The prize can be anything from candies to holiday trips depending on your budget. You might even consider dividing your guests into different teams and ask them to come out with their best synchronized swimming. This is going to be fun to watch them in their most hilarious moments. Don’t forget to video those happy moments.
I’m sure you would have some elderly folks in the guest list. You can always set up a nice and strategic corner for them filled with some comfortable outdoor cushions. Do prepare some playing cards or even mahjong sets for them to get the best out of the party. This is definitely the most enjoyable moment in their lives.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 11th, 2010 | Filed under:

I’m sure by now most of you would have watched Columbia Pictures’ and Sony Pictures Animation’s animated movie named “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” with your children at the theater? It was about a scientist, Flint Lockwood, who tried to solve the world’s hunger problems only to see things go awry as food falls from the sky in abundance. Of course, there’s the greed factor when there’s this great invention. Mayor Shelbourne schemed to use Flint’s latest invention for his own personal gain. Towards the end, not only did the mayor’s greed created havoc in the small town, he grew so huge by eating nonstop all the high-carb food that he could barely walk.
It’s a great lesson for us to note that eating lavishly on high-carb food all the time might not be good for the body. Although the food had been presented right in front of us so conveniently, there should be some limitation to our food intake. You need to stick to it, do not go on and off the diet. It would be harder to lose weight each time you go back on as your metabolism would become more resistant to the changes.
I guessed Mayor Shelbourne would need to check out www.godietpills.com right now if he would want to have a healthier lifestyle.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 7th, 2010 | Filed under:

A visit to a friend’s apartment not long ago had kept me amazed by how well that special touch he had given to his new home was. All along I thought that having a simple work of paint with some modern looking furniture would be ideal when renovating a space constrained unit but I was so wrong when I saw how my friend had designed his home in a taste of his own. The most wonderful thing was that no structural changes had been done to the original layout plan.
What he did was genius as he had played with the space availability with a touch of lavishness from the contemporary furniture that were architectural showpieces themselves. With a smart play of soft lighting accent, the whole place was transformed into a master piece of space architecture.
The whole place has the little magic touch of colors in silver and shades of earthly and woody hues which complimented each other real well. It was just like those cool contemporary designs you can find at some of wealthy mansions. The feel of the East meet West elements also portrayed a sense of enlightenment and tranquility. I quickly found myself so much in peace while slumbering myself onto his soft and silky cushioned sofa. If I get the chance to renovate again, I would surely look into these homely styles.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

Very often we do hear people of all ages laughing at another person’s disproportionately fat bodies and this had made quite a large quantity of those verbally abused victims trying out various weight loss programs available in the market place. But how assured will that person be in losing weight and yet doing it in a healthy way?
It’s true that we are what we consume but there’s a small mechanism in each individual that does not function identically. That’s called metabolism. Some people would puff up with just a small amount of food whereas others would remain as skinny as ever no matter how much they gobble up. In most cases, it would be the former as the statistics for obesity had increased quite significantly over the years.
There are many weight loss programs in the market and not all of them have medical backups to prove that they will work. In order to get one that will help in reducing the unwanted fat, you will need to study through all the programs available. This could be quite time consuming as it would involve in the checking of the many products available and comparing them based on effectiveness, speed, safety, long term results and value for money. No matter how you go about searching for the ideal solution, you should get the bestdiet supplements that work well for you. After all, we should stay as healthy as possible with healthier supplements.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?