Written by crizlai on Nov 13th, 2008 | Filed under:

In this modern era, more and more people are beginning to be aware of the necessity of staying healthy. Even our diets were no longer as high cholesterol as they used to be. Our food consumptions can be monitored but somehow we could not avoid the signs of old age. As we get older, pains on all parts of our bodies tend to spring out mysteriously. Isn’t it quite normal to get arthritis, muscle pain, headaches, tendonitis, back pain and many other conditions as age catches up with us?
Most of those affected would somehow seek medical consultation to help ease the pains without realizing that too much of pain killers would somehow affect the nervous systems. I for one had experience the side effects of being in daze most of the time and lack of alertness.
There exists one powerful magnetic hematite beaded product that would help in solving your problems. These fashionable yet finely made copper or stainless steel products comes in many sizes with a quality selection meant for all parts of your body including your wrist, palm, head, knee or even the waist. The products had helped millions from all over the world with these conditions. It may help you as well. Why don’t you check out the magnetic bracelets, anklets and necklaces that are widely available on the market? After all, health is very important in our daily life.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 10th, 2008 | Filed under:

There are twenty one countries along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea such as Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Which one should I visit to have an enjoyable and mind relaxing holiday?
I have checked with all the Mediterranean cruises that are available online and found Turkey to be quite interesting since the country sits mainly in Asia and partially in Europe. The Eastern Mediterranean cruises which focused on Italy, Greece, Turkey and cities along the Adriatic should be fun as I would also have ample time to visit those historical landmarks of Rome, Venice and Athens.
As a frequent seafarer, I would love to visit those beautiful ports and beaches that are available in the countries. I have heard so much and hope that I have the opportunity to visit Antalya, a city at the southwestern part of Turkey. The city on a cliff oversees the horizon of the Mediterranean Sea. What a great place for witnessing the sunrise and sunset in the city. I hope I can also get to visit Kas, a small fishing, yachting and tourist town and get some presents for my angling buddies.
I’m getting real excited now as I had booked my tickets with Costa Cruise Lines and my trip is scheduled to be in early January 2009. Hooray! Going for 11 days of cruise has always been my dream.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

Setting up certain areas of your home could sometimes be a dilemma, especially when choosing the right colors to blend in with the surrounding. I have this special corner in my living room which I thought of having a mini bar corner. I want the corner to be lively instead of the normal dull and woody feeling that most mini bars have.
There are so many things that I have to look into such as the suitable wall colors, furniture and fittings, bar counter, cabinets, mini bar cooler and also the bar faucets. But first I would have to look into the right combination of colors that would set the mood right. What could those be? Maybe I shall study some of the colors in depth before deciding what to do next.
RED – Energy, passion, and boost appetite
ORANGE – Boost appetite
YELLOW – Speed metabolism and incite concentration and memory
GREEN – Calming and peaceful
BLUE – Trust, relaxing and space
VIOLET – Healing and romantic
WHITE – Purity, life and neutral
PINK – Soothing and seductive
Hmm… There are so many colors and yet I’m lost for the right combination. Shades of each color might work but then it would be rather boring. Since the mini bar corner is going to be in the living room, I was thinking of combining Violet, Light Blue and some shades of Pink for that corner. Do you think that it would make the room feel spacious enough for relaxation with some romantic moments with my family?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed under:

After trying out so many types of food and creating my own fusion for some, I was thinking of opening a deli outlet in town. After all, everyone loves food and food brings people together. That was also how I met up with some great friends who had the same idea as me to open up a Deli in town.
We needed something new that would stand out from the crowd instead of fighting over the market share which some giant food restaurants had already established well. We started to research the food market as well as brainstorming for new ideas and found something real interesting. We found a large percentage of consumers, especially those in their teens and early twenties, love fast food. On top of that, there was also a large number who were healthy conscious about their food intake.
We thought why not we combine these two groups of people and come out with a Deli that would please both parties? That would be great right? What do you think of naturally raised hormone and antibiotic free Steakburger and Low Fat Organic Milkshakes? I’m sure most people would accept the diets of a lesser fat, calories and cholesterol meal, on top of the higher quality natural and organic ingredients used. Most importantly, the meals would be of great taste with a healthy label shown behind each item served.
Finally, we had decided to stick to the concept of healthy fast food but we also found some challenges here. How long would it take us to establish ourselves in the market with a name that people had never heard of? Won’t it be easier if we were to apply for a food franchise business from a brand that people had already known elsewhere? After much thinking, we had decided to go for the latter as it would not incur much investment and there would be supports and guidelines for a more systematic and successful ways of handling a new business for entrepreneurs like us.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Oct 25th, 2008 | Filed under:

Wow! I have been feasting on all the wonderful food around that I had totally ignored my weight gain. How could anyone suppress the temptation of great food served on the table? The worst case was that I had been sitting and eating all day long without even pushing myself to the gym to burn some fat off my ever expanding body size.
Suddenly, I remembered what my cardiologist friend told me earlier, “If one day you stood up straight and look down for your toe lines and could not find them, it’s time for you to lose some weight as there would be a silent killer hidden inside you that would strike you anytime when you least expect it.”
Gosh! Does that mean that I would be struck with a heart attack if I did not watch my diet carefully and shred those wobbling belly of mine? Argh! This is hell to me as the Good CART (Cocaine Amphetamine Regulatory Transcript) and Evil NPY (Neuropetide-Y) are fighting in my brains now trying to conquer my food intake. I love eating and diet means refusing my ever yearning appetite for good food but then I also should not ignore the advice of my doctor friend. Somebody please get me a bottle of appetite suppressant now before I finished off that large bucket of yummy butter caramel coated popcorn of mine!
Note: Cocaine Amphetamine Regulatory Transcript (CART) is the brain signals for you stop eating and increase metabolism while Neuropetide-Y (NPY) is a stress hormone that decreases metabolism and increase appetites, as stress tends to do
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?