This is the place where you can relax yourself while digesting all you would want to know about love, life and relationship. On and off I would also be touching on health and photography.
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How often did you hear someone telling you not to skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day? You might be wondering what the heck it has to do with you as you could save up a certain sum of money by skipping the meal. You are truly wrong about this misperception as breakfast is surely the most important meal of the day not because of anything else but for your health reason. Can you imagine yourself trying to start your car on an empty fuel tank? How would you expect the car to move without any fuel? The same principle applies to your body. It would not have the necessary energy to sustain your concentration and stamina for the rest of the day.
You might not realize the side effect of skipping breakfast which is going to make your body functions quite chaotic. You tend to eat more frequent and most of the time it would be food that would not contain the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. There are no fixed rules that breakfast must consist of cereal and bread. It could well be fruits or any leftovers. As long as you get your stomach filled prior to going out in the morning, you would be way safe with your “car engine”. You won’t get breakdowns or inconsistent filling up throughout the day. Thus, you would be more attentive and alert towards you daily duties.
Most of the time, I would have bread for breakfast but it’s getting really unhealthy with all those hidden ingredients. Can you imagine the long term consumption of those preservative filled fruit jams or even peanut butter? I would need something fresh, something that I could grow easily and have access to them conveniently. I was thinking of the hardy Blackberry plants which would easily grow on any type of soil. Won’t it be nice have fresh blackberries with cereals, fresh blackberry jams or even blackberry pies for breakfast? I’m anxiously waiting to purchase those yummy fruit plants now.
I came across this YouTube video and had a great laugh over what the son did when there are good sales online weekly. You know how? He charged to the credit card of his father. LOL! Isn’t that what most children would do when there are great bargains that one could not go without? I also would purchase the Xbox if only I could charge that to my Dad’s credit card. Haha!
I’m also a regular stalker in the online sales website and to date I had purchased many items and most of them came with free delivery. That’s a great bargain on top of the many tens and hundreds I had saved compared to purchasing from any of the local stores. If I were you, I would pop in the many sections in the website such as Apparel & Shoes, Bags & Luggage, Books, Buy for Business, Cameras, Cell Phones, Computer & Office, DVDs, Electronics, Fragrance, Games, Home & Outdoor, Jewelry & Watches, Music, Networking, Software, Sports and Toys & Baby to check out what’s the best deal around town. It’s sure a site filled with great sale all year through.
Do you know what would be my next target? I’m going to get that HTC Touch Diamond soon. It’s slim and can be fitted into my palm with no problems at all. Moreover, I can connect easily through the built in WIFI system as well as to shoot great photos. At least I can check my emails easily now anytime and anywhere.
If you have read the latest report on obesity right within US itself, you would get a scare out of your life. Can you imagine that 58 millions of Americans are overweight with 40 million of them being obese and 3 millions are morbidly obese? Since 1990, there has been a 76% increase of Type II diabetes cases, mostly in adults within the range of 30-40 years old.
To avoid those obese related diseases such as Type II diabetes, cardio vascular diseases, breast cancer, colon cancer, gall bladder or even high blood pressure, one should take note of the body weight not only on yourself but also on your children’s as new study had found that one in four overweight children has shown early signs of diabetes impaired glucose intolerance which is related to Type II diabetes. Most of them stood a high risk of getting heart related diseases. Within the last two decades, the numbers of overweight and obese children worldwide had increased four fold and it would climb dramatically by 2010. If you are a pair of loving parents with high hope for your children’s future clean health, do give them balance diets during each meal.
Through my years of observing families with obese children, it’s almost always the case of leadership by example. If you are not concern about your own weight issues, you would not even heed the future health of your children. Some families even thought that having fat, chubby, overweight children would show their status of prosperity. What a wrong perception. Those children stood a high risk of being stunned by critical diseases in the later stage of their lives!
There are many diet programs out there to help you to maintain a healthier lifestyle. Some may even use diet pill for a swifter effect. It all lies on your effort and determination to step forward now for a healthier living.
When someone mentioned about home renovation, the first thing that would come into anyone’s mind would be tearing down of walls, expanding a room or the house. Have you ever wonder maybe it could just be the changing of floor in the house? With the advancement of technology, almost any type of woods such as bamboo, oak, cherry, walnut, taun, jatoba, ash, maple and many more have been engineered to a multi ply designs to look unique with impressive durability and resistance to expansion, moistures, and temperature changes.
If you are a person who wants to be a step nearer to nature with the wonderful richness and homey feel, then wood flooring would be your ideal choice. Nowadays, you have so many options of wood flooring in the market and some even came with adhesive sides for easy do-it-yourself custom styling. Most of us would love to have a new look to our home but ended up quite reluctant to make the changes due to high cost of engaging someone to do the job. It’s actually quite easy to work on the flooring if you know the way to do it. Let me share with you how to get the best of your boardwalk.
Firstly, remove the baseboard and clean the floor thoroughly. Starting in one corner, arrange the trim-to-fit wood tiles randomly but in a pleasant manner. As some wood flooring may expand and contract with the weather, leave a 1/4 inch space around the perimeter of the room. Use a spacer for consistent distance between tiles. In case you need to trim some of the tiles, a sharp bladed saw will do the work. Now you are ready to create your own wood flooring. From a far corner of the room, start sticking (or gluing with recommended glue in case those wood tiles do not come with adhesive) the wood tiles by gluing next to the previous one and work your way out of the room. Allow the glue to dry before moving into the room to add in more transition pieces to merge one type of flooring to another at your doorway. Bingo! You have your new wood flooring now!
The local Internet Service Provider (ISP) has been having some server issues for the past two weeks and browsing through some websites has been extremely slow. Needless to say, I even had problems accessing to my own websites. Instead of banging my head against the monitor and screaming for help trying to get all my online work done, I had decided to relax myself from getting more stress due to the internet access issues. What would be the next alternative when you have a bad connection issue? I would just laze in front of the TV, catching up with those movies that I had missed.
But then, what’s the point having the best HDTV Home Theater System at home when I can’t even have the full comfort to relax myself? I would love to pamper myself by lying on my sofa but it did hinder my other family members from utilizing it. To sit upright all the time indeed gave me more discomforts. I will need to get some solutions now but could I do? Should I buy more sofas for the living room should I get some bean bags to throw around my rugged areas?
Hmm… Why my neighbor never complained about the connection issues even though his whole family members were heavy internet users? They do look as relax as ever. Could it be the home theater seating he had purchased recently? I really had to go over now ask them about their secret. Gosh! Those chairs are darn comfortable! Not only was I able to relax fully on the soft cushions it has, I can even adjust it to a position that I would feel comfortable in. With his assurance that I would not have any regrets purchasing one, I’m surely going to head down town now to book my orders. Maybe I would just get the whole set for every single members of my family. They ought to have the comfort in life as well.