Written by crizlai on Jan 16th, 2011 | Filed under:
weight loss

Being born in a state famous for its great food does have a side effect on me. Somehow, I lacked the discipline to control my food intake. Who could have resisted all the delicious food around each loops and corners of the streets? No matter where I go, I would surely have something in my hands and busily biting or munching away. Now all my friends are beginning to take note of the big bulge from my tummy. Even my Mom has been complaining, “Hey! You better get rid of that big tummy of yours or you will be having lots of health issues later.”
That statement got me worried as I indeed had some health issues now. I would easily get tired and sleepy even during day time. Frequent chest pains and backaches might be some symptoms to watch out for. If I don’t take care of my weight now, it might lead to other major disease such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, sleep apnea, cancer, constipation, dyslipidaemia, osteoarthritis and many other scientific names that scared the hell out of me.
I did try to get some exercises but eventually the moods and motivation to maintain dies off as fast as it started. There are so many brands of diet pills from all over the world lying on my table now but none gave me the results as I would have expected them to do so. I really need some top diet pills that really work right now. It’s time I should get my health back to the tip top condition it once used to be.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 14th, 2011 | Filed under:

As time passes by swiftly by the winks of many blinks, you can actually feel that the body clock is deteriorating much faster than ever each day. Physically and mentally, you would get more illness cruelly hitting hard on you. Your senses would begin to show signs of failing. Your medical bills would hit high on the ceiling. If you are rich, these problems would not be a problem at all as you can seek many alternatives with your richness. The worst scenario would be to be sent to the Home for the Aged to settle all your “inconveniences” by just paying a lump sum of money. Thus, there’s the lack of personal contact with the ones who had undyingly loved you from the start of your birth into the world. All they would get would be a few hours daily of visit from their personal helper.
Unfortunately, a large number of the elderly would not fall into this category of the rich and famous. They have to spend their lifetime earnings to fend for themselves. Medications, supplements, vitamins or even frequent visits to the doctors are not costing any much lesser nowadays. The amount spent in keeping the body in the best of health can be quite a surprise. How great it would be if any member of the family is in the nursing line. He or she could at least have the necessary experiences in caring and nursing any elderly members in the family within the best of their knowledge.
As a Registered Nurse (RN), one would provide scientific, psychological, and technological knowledge in the care of patients and/or families in many health care settings. It would even be better if one were to possess a B.Sc (Nursing) which could easily be achieved through any of the bsn online programs available out there. Don’t you think that it would be so ideal to have someone so qualified who has gone through bsn online around to empathize along with you through old age?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 3rd, 2011 | Filed under:

Nowadays, the number of healthy conscious people has grown quite big as you would see that more and more buyers had opted out for pesticide-free produce. Although the cost might be higher a bit, you are assured of not getting any unwanted chemicals into your body systems. It’s not easy to get the produce as you always wanted from your nearby grocery stores, especially for your daily consumption of fruits and vegetable, but you can still take note on how to reduce the risks of getting the least affected produce. Foodnews.org would be a great guide to your healthy consumption.
Veggie wash would be another great way to wash out all those water-proofed chemicals on your raw food. It’s cheap and an all-natural organic vegetable and fruit based cleanser that is formulated to rid produce of pesticides, dirt and chemical residues. Although you might lose out some of the nutrients in your food, peeling off the skins would also help in minimizing pesticide poisoning. Whenever you are out for some grocery shopping, do check out on some of the frozen produce. Generally, these produce would have measurably less exposure to pesticides.
Visiting your local farmer’s market would also enlighten you on the existence of any pesticide practices. Firstly, you could be sure that the produce would be sold directly to you rather than the produce from your grocery store which might have gone through many changes in hands. If you still think that those farmers are not trustworthy, you could always grow your own. There are many hydroponics systems out there on the market that would ascertain the safety of your fruits and vegetables consumptions.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 1st, 2011 | Filed under:

What would be your phobia as age began to creep in slowly before you knew it? It’s the fear of being sick. It can be one of the scariest things to deal with when you do not have the means to get any proper treatments. As we know, certain medical treatments can be rather costly and it would not be as affordable as popping into any pharmacy for some basic medications. This could be a nightmare for many who were not somehow covered by any sort of health insurance.
If you are a frequent traveler, even within your own continent, you might want to get the best health insurance coverage as most insurance companies out there, do not provide adequate travel medical insurance, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation or trip cancellation. I’m sure your preferred insurance agent would be more than happy to guide you through your questions. I found mine, the NC health insurance to be real helpful in this matter.
Amongst NC health insurance’s offers includes individual health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC (BCBSNC), known for their Blue Advantage products, group health insurance, life insurance from multiple carriers, short term health insurance, dental insurance, Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 15th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

Devil: Oooo… look at all those delicious and succulent dishes on the buffet spread. Let’s jump in and gobble everything up like there’s no tomorrow.
Angel: Errr… I will forgo your wild food expedition this time, Devil. I have put on so much weight tagging along with you all these while.
Devil: Why worry now Angel? Savor the best while you can. You won’t get to have hot sizzling grills and fresh seafood spreads on your buffet line all the time. Gosh! Look at that giant roasted lamb leg! Slurps~
Angel: Stop tempting me Devil! You are making my saliva dripping endlessly!
Devil: Abalone salad! Prawn cocktail! Grill cod fish! Salmon sushi! Black Pepper beef steak! Roasted duck! This roasted duck is real good. You want a bite, Angel?
Angel: Arghh! See No Evil! Hear No Evil! Eat No Evil!
Devil: Come on Angel. A little bite won’t make you grow fat. Hehehe…
Angel: No! You have your natural sauna down there to help you trim down. All I have up there are blue skies and natural cool air. Just look at the layers of my belly fat now! I looked so unhealthy!
Devil: LOL! That’s your problem. Who ask you to eat lavishly and never go for any exercise? I run a lot all over the world creating mischief and havocs. You just sit up there waiting for the human to cry for help. Isn’t that the results of your inactiveness?
Angel: Errr…
Devil: Come on. Forget about all those dieting and join me in this feasting. Worst come to worst, I’ll just get you some weight loss products to help you lose weight.
Angel: Hmm… Ok! Let’s hit the buffet line. Just make sure you keep to your promise and get me those products. I don’t want to turn obese or it would be harder for me to move about to clean up your messes.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?