Written by crizlai on May 10th, 2008 | Filed under:

Everybody would love to read about a few mystery cases on and off. The CCSI Little Production Studio had decided to use my script for their newest production scheduled to be released on 10 & 11 May 2008. CCSI means Cat/Canine Crime Scene Investigation. It is all about furry animals dressed up in human forms and solving crime scenes. This is going to be yet another great production ever produced since the studio’s last two successful productions from last year onwards.
The latest production would be called CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper, written by yours truly from Malaysia, directed by Opus & Roscoe from Italy, produced by Sassy & her Little Productions Team from USA, and marketed by Momo from Australia. This production will feature many talented furry animals such as cats, dogs and bunny throughout the blogosphere.
Do not miss the opportunity to spend some value time with your mother this weekend, celebrating Mothers’ Day and at the same time enjoy the mystery story line of the case. Please make a mark on your calendar now as the production will be aired for two consecutive days starting from 10 May 2008 at Sassy’s site.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 9th, 2008 | Filed under:
That is the question I have been asking many people who have given up hope for a better life. The reason is that those people refused to adapt to the changes in their life although they had been given the opportunity to do so. All it takes is to change their mind sets, fill it up with a little self discipline, self motivation and self development to survive comfortably in the ever challenging world of ours. If others can be successful in life, why can’t we? There is something definitely not on the right track in their life journeys.

Just look at the case of Faith, a dog who was condemned to the furnace. If a dog has not given up hope, will power, determination and faith in surviving, why should we as a human think that we are useless? Sometimes, I wonder whether those pessimists had taken the time to analyze what had gone wrong in their life. Time is what they have and time is what they have been using carelessly away by not finding any solutions. If a person is unemployed and having financial woes, sitting at home and not doing his part in finding a job is pointless. Money would surely not drop from the heaven or grow on trees unless a person earns it through legal means.
Coming back to the case of Faith the bipedal dog, five years of having to live by having two feet to support its body is something to be amazed with. She is a Labrador-Chow Chow mix breed female dog and was born in December 2002 with only 3 legs. Its left front leg was amputated at 7-months old when it was found to be deformed and useless. With some compassions from the Stringfellow family and constant hardship of training by a canine trainer, she survived the oddity of life by proving that even a handicapped dog can make his own life better. Why not us?

Faith had visited many schools and taught the children on empathy and raising funds for stray animals. At least she has a mission in life. Do we?

A book has been published about Faith entitled “With a Little Faith”. If you check through YouTube, you can see Faith and her owner, Jude Stringfellow, featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Montel Williams Show as well as Ripley’s Believe it or Not. You can learn more about Faith at faiththedog.net
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?