Written by crizlai on Aug 6th, 2009 | Filed under:

After staying at the same house for many years, most homeowners would be hankering for a new look to freshen up the whole place. What would you do when you are living in a space constrained house and would want it to look like a lavish mansion without making any structural changes to its original layout?
There are many ways of making your dream come through by using the minimal approach of combining silver colored paint with some sand plywood furniture. Both compliment each other real well. Door and window frames can be painted silver to blend in with some silver blinds to give that soft lighting approach which would be most effective in defining the architecture of space.
By using a mix and match of pastel colors plus simple furniture of a sandy feel, your whole place would be turned into a sanctuary of your own. Using a few varieties of glass tile would give your home the additional sparkles to portray a sense of tranquility and eventually brighten up your days after a hard day’s of work.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 16th, 2009 | Filed under:

The bedroom should be the room where you feel most at home, where you can relax and make it into your personal haven for luxury. To get the most out from your bedroom, the first task would be to identify what you need to get the most space out of it. Make a list of your requirements such as place of sleep, storage for your belongings, dressing area which would include a mirror, seating area and even a place for your computer and television.
Once you have what you need, you can start planning how to best design your bedroom by incorporating your furniture and fitting by playing with hues. Be imaginative and practical as possible when planning to play with colors. Too contrasting the colors and you would end up making the bedroom looks smaller. On top of that, you may end up having bad moods the first thing you wake up from your sleep. You won’t want that to spoil your mood, would you?
Try going for pastel colors as it would make the bedroom looks larger and more spacious. Moreover, it would brighten up your mood instead of dark colors which would make you feel gloomy. The ultimate way to do that would be to play with shades of a color. There are four walls in your bedroom and one wall which you had intended to put your dressing furniture ought to be of a darker shade.
Another point to take note of would be your windows. How would you like them to be? You could always get some designed curtains with colors that would blend in well with your bedroom walls or you could even get some darker shades of window blinds. Try to be realistic by juggling with the right combination of colors. I’m sure your local shop would be able to provide some samples for you.
No matter what, do not ever over clutter your bedroom with unnecessary pieces of furniture. Having one too many obstacles within your bedroom would make you feel like getting out from it daily. It should be a sanctuary for you to relax instead.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 29th, 2008 | Filed under:
I had written earlier in Home Improvements Part 1 on how to get the best out of limited space in your new home. Let’s look more onto those areas for relaxation today such as your sitting room. Other than the normal space saving sofas which you could easily source from those furniture shops around your town, try finding one single that has the multi-purpose usage to your preferences. For example, let’s look at one such furniture as shown below. Not only will you be able to use that as your reading chair, you can even adjust your body to the high tech body curve built of the chair for some siesta.

If you have a patio or sliding door for some sunlight to shine in, you can even set up your own indoor sundeck chair. I’m sure you would want something that looks simple and yet elegant. Try finding something that is real artistic and won’t get out of date. Would you like this one?

Where else do you think you relax most? Would that be your own cubicle in the most private part of your house? Bingo! That’s right! It’s your bathroom where you deal with most of your nature’s business. I have seen bathrooms with so much wastage of space before in large mansion. Is that a necessity? Well, those could well meant for the rich and famous but as commoners that would not be a must have. With limited space in a bathroom, even installing a basin, a toilet bowl with a bathing area would be such a headache. Thanks to the innovation of a genius, nothing would be impossible now. Maybe I would try this too. It’s too cool to resist!

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

Setting up certain areas of your home could sometimes be a dilemma, especially when choosing the right colors to blend in with the surrounding. I have this special corner in my living room which I thought of having a mini bar corner. I want the corner to be lively instead of the normal dull and woody feeling that most mini bars have.
There are so many things that I have to look into such as the suitable wall colors, furniture and fittings, bar counter, cabinets, mini bar cooler and also the bar faucets. But first I would have to look into the right combination of colors that would set the mood right. What could those be? Maybe I shall study some of the colors in depth before deciding what to do next.
RED – Energy, passion, and boost appetite
ORANGE – Boost appetite
YELLOW – Speed metabolism and incite concentration and memory
GREEN – Calming and peaceful
BLUE – Trust, relaxing and space
VIOLET – Healing and romantic
WHITE – Purity, life and neutral
PINK – Soothing and seductive
Hmm… There are so many colors and yet I’m lost for the right combination. Shades of each color might work but then it would be rather boring. Since the mini bar corner is going to be in the living room, I was thinking of combining Violet, Light Blue and some shades of Pink for that corner. Do you think that it would make the room feel spacious enough for relaxation with some romantic moments with my family?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?