Written by crizlai on Apr 25th, 2010 | Filed under:

Some time in your life, you might directly or indirectly involve in some kind of business. It might be small or in a larger scale but how are you going to promote your products or services to the public? One thing for sure, not everything would be free to help you push up your sales. You would somehow need to foot some amount of effort and cash to boost it up. Let’s just look at some of the ways you can promote sales with minimal or no expenditure below.
Firstly, you have to know that visuals would have a better convincing power than speech or words. Try using some of the free blog setup such as Blogger or WordPress to set up your blog. It’s easy to use and free of course to certain extent. As you know, photos do play an important role here. Upload as many photos as you can with minimal descriptions. If someone is interested in what you have to offer, they would surely contact you for further information. Try to exchange links too as that would be a good way to gain unique visitors to your site.
Next would be to write a press release and send to all of your known local media companies. This might be hard for some if you do not have any close contacts with those reporters but again there would be no harm in trying your luck for the additional promotions.
There are many free social network websites that you can use to promote your company, namely FaceBook and so on. I have seen some successful ones getting great businesses, especially those in the food and lifestyle categories. Try setting up your complete business profile and gather as many fans as possible. Please remember that interaction is very important as no fans would want to be totally ignored.
Another great way would be to attach your website/blog address in whatever emails you send out. That would create awareness within your contact list on your scope of business, thus you might get additional businesses from them or their friends. Networking is still the best way to gain more business!
You could also consider producing some appreciation giveaways to your readers and loyal supporters. Those items might not necessarily be expensive as you can get some custom koozies or even a car sticker with your website printed on. Do get involve in sponsorship of whatsoever for some of your produced giveaways. That would give you that extra free mileage for your company.
There are so many other ways you can promote your businesses but towards the end of the day, it would still lie back to your own time, budget, effort and commitment.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Dec 13th, 2009 | Filed under:

You would ask me why, right? Without a job, how would a person be able to pay his bills and to feed himself well? Don’t get me wrong here as we would still need a job to make a living but hunting for a job has never been easier now than before. Regardless of whichever state you are in the States, you would surely find a job that would suit your requirement. How? With the establishment of a job employment agency that gathers all the requirements of employers and the resumes of job seekers under one website, finding a job or hunting for a worker has been much easier.
Have you heard of the company by the name of beyond.com? It has the world’s largest network of niche career communities that housed thousands of sites with hundreds of channels under one network. Hunting for a job by industry or location would just be a few clicks away.
You can start away to search for your ideal job by logging in the website, key in your job title or preferred company name, followed by your preferred location. Once you enter the search button, a long list of potential companies would appear for you to browse further. It’s that simple. Well, you would need a resume for your employers to review you and filling up the necessary particulars is free. If you are jobless or planning to change your job, why don’t you check out the site right now?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

Having a long distance relationship has been hard enough when you would get to meet up with your prominent half barely few times in a year. When the time comes and yet you could not find the time to be with her just because you are in the midst of a critical situation where your business needed all your attention, you get panic! It would a dilemma whether to spend time with the one you love or to spend time in your business which would support your livelihood. It’s a headache right?
Sometimes, I felt that I should be spending more time with my family and loved one instead of spending endless hours in the office handling all the paperwork. Setting up a business might be easy but to make ensure the success of the whole company might not be easy when you try to cut cost in employing more people to handle the respective areas in the company. Most of my time would be spent in monitoring, analyzing and planning the company’s business performance. It sounded like an easy job but when you are involved in seeing figures and more figures in calculating the Returns On Investment (ROI), you might think otherwise.
With all the competitions around, I have to be more committed to ensure the smooth running of the company. Maybe I should just seek the expertise of those software development consulting firms to ease my job burden here. I’m sure they would have the relevant business intelligence tools to suit my needs. I would really need someone to define, design and deliver optimal software applications that would enable my company to achieve its business vision. With all that off my head, I could at least have more time in hand to be with my loved ones.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

Many people thought that setting up an office would as easy as a piece of cake. Do you agree? Well, for me I would neither agree nor disagree. No matter how good the planning would be, there would always be some adjustments and add on to enhance the office to have a better working environment, not only for you but your bottom line. A lot of new establishments would take for granted that a simple layout with some basic office furniture would be presentable enough. It may be true for smaller companies which are not in the service industry but it somehow have the impact on the productivity, motivation and effectiveness of its workers.
You spent a great deal of time in the office and you also won’t want the office to be as gloomy and enclosed as a jail right? Lighting plays an important part in a working environment as it would make the office feel more workable and comfortable. There should be ample windows to let some natural light into the room on top of the ceiling and standing lights to make the place perfect to work by.
I’m sure most people would have known by now that having more personal work stations with the right office furniture would help your staff feel more homely. No matter what, get the right office furniture that would make you feel more comfortable. The chairs should be adjustable with proper arm support in order to have your feet flat on the floor. This would ensure good sitting postures while working long hours. On the other hand, the desk should be clever designed with proper hidden compartments to save some space. Hidden keyboards and mouse should encourage a parallel hand positions while typing and there should be ample space to stretch your legs.
There are so many ways you can improve your office working environment and it would take dozens of pages if I were to propose here. With your own creativity or with the right consultancy from any of your nearby office furniture planners, you could always consider the improvement of other areas in the office such as the pantry area, reception area, guest waiting area and many more. It’s worth the investment as better office furniture would surely ensure the productivity of the people in it.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 29th, 2008 | Filed under:

Having a surprise party to congratulate a few of my staff on their recent promotions was sure a great one. It showed that with a harmonious working environment and teamwork, they had managed work hand in hand closely with everyone to seal the biggest contract ever in the history of the company. Isn’t that just wonderful?
Oh no! Whose smart idea was it to throw some confetti in the office to celebrate their success? Can you imagine the amount of those teeny weenie circles being scattered all over the carpet? Gosh! Even the hard reached corners had them. Don’t they know that it would be really hard to clear those mess they had created? I guessed I won’t want to spoil their joyous moods now. I would just get the cleaners to clear them after we had done with the party.
It would not be so hard for them at all after I had invested in a commercial carpet extractor cum cleaner as one of my office supplies for the company. I have seen them using that equipment and it sure helped make their lives so much easier. You should have seen how fast they had cleaned those hard reached corners. It was within seconds. I have never regretted making the investment ever since.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?