Written by crizlai on Mar 30th, 2011 | Filed under:

As I was flipping through some of the lifestyle magazines recently, I realized that more and more companies are coming out with new products and solutions in their advertisements. They would be offering slimming courses, weight loss products, hair treatments and beauty products of many needs and wants, obviously setting their targets towards those young urban professionals.
Nowadays, it had become quite a norm that regardless you are a man or a woman, cosmetic products had become quite a hot selling product on the market as both sexes are willingly to spend a lot of time and money to make their appearances excel in public. Needless to say, they would be on a high look out for products related to skin whitening, moisturizing, anti wrinkles, adult acne problems, pigmentation and many more.
I often wondered how much money one would need to earn in order to have the best appearance in the eyes of others. Looking good would never stop there as you would also need to maintain your appearances throughout your life. There’s the facial scrub to exfoliate dead skin and black heads, the facial wash to have a cleaner skin from the dirt and dust within the atmosphere, the face moisturizer or toner to moist your skin for a healthier and ageless look. The list will never end there as there would be different products available to suit different needs such as for dry skin, oily skin, pores, etc.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jul 8th, 2010 | Filed under:

I have seen many people asking about their acne problems, even those within their early thirties. Is there an age frame where the problem would be outgrown by itself? From my past experiences, there isn’t any fixed age as different bodies react differently. The more you worry about it, the worst those pesky spots would hit you as it was believed that stresses would trigger the problem to its worst condition. Just let the acne problem goes away as it should naturally.
By eliminating acne naturally does not mean that you just wait and have no actions at all. Some basic steps should be taken daily to speed up the recovery. The usage of harsh chemicals on the already sensitive areas should be the last thing you should have in your mind now. You should be looking at those natural ingredients that have soothing and rejuvenating effects.
There are many of such acne face wash products on the market which contained natural extracts as jojoba, green tea, aloe vera and so on that could help you eliminate your acne problems. You just need to have the commitment to cleanse your face as frequently as you would daily. After all, that’s not a hard task for anyone right?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

I’m sure most of us have seen those great food gourmets such as Emmanuel Stroobant or even Anthony Bourdain performing on TV. But I have one big question that has dumbfounded me for so long. How did they maintain their body size to be so perfectly balance with all the lavish eating? Can you imagine the amount of carbohydrates being consumed unsparingly? I would be fat if I were to eat so much.
There must be some hidden secrets behind their successes in maintaining that fit body. With their tight schedules in broadcasting, I’m sure that paying frequent visits to the gym might not be the sole answer. Could they be on fat burning pills? Hmmm… maybe they have found the best ab workout program for that level of fitness.
Although I’m having a job that is related to food as well, I ought to be as fit as them. I’ll need to put in the extra effort to gain back my confidence by having a greater body. I’m sure I can lose some significant stomach fat and get closer to my goal of having a visible six pack abs appearance.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 3rd, 2010 | Filed under:

I have been yearning for some cold treats for some time now but the problem is I’m still afraid of the head pounding pain I will have as before after consuming the delicious and creamy ice cream. I have checked my tooth frequently and they seemed to look fine. I suspect that there is a hairline crack somewhere hidden within the two rows of teeth that made me suffer each time a mouthful of cold stuff passed through them.
Can you imagine the pain having a screw drilled into your gums, triggering neck pain, swollen eyes and a migraine all at the same time? The pain is unbearable even with the help of some pain killers easily available off the shelves.
I better seek the advice of a professional dentist soon or else I won’t be able to enjoy those cold and sweet treats anymore. At the same time, I hope I can get some of those crooked teeth aligned well. They made me look so fragile and unconfident in myself. My life has been without much smile due to the inferior complex in me. Let’s hope the Plano dentist will help me gain my confidence further.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 7th, 2010 | Filed under:

“Hey! Isn’t Christmas over? I felt as if I’m in the midst of turning into a reindeer. Gosh! That red spot on my nose is getting bigger and redder each day. It’s a matter of time I have antlers.” LOL! Do you have one of those days when you woke up one morning to find an irritating and yet painful acne growing on your nose? It’s even worse when whatever cream you have did not even help to shrink that acne. Well, that’s nodular acne, a severe form of acne that may not respond to any normal therapies.
The acne nodules are solid and irregular shaped lesions that would result in inflammation within the deeper layers of the skin. If no proper treatment given, these acute acnes would cause the skin tissue to be in destructive modes. Eventually, scarring would occur.
There are many ways you can deal with this problem. The most advisable solution would be to pay a visit to the dermatologist which might cost a bit too high for many. Some might want to find cheaper alternative for their skin problems online. Do check out some of the online acne solution guides as there may be cheaper offers comparison available.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?