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applying love in our life


Written by crizlai on Sep 21st, 2009 | Filed under: awareness, environment, home, office, tips

I have been working in this office for the last few years and everything seemed to be fine until now. I have never felt so low in motivation and lethargic before. Something does not feel right here. It kind of felt like the whole working place turned so stuffy and stale. I even felt that my skin had gone dryer and dryer each day without the application of some hand and body moisturizing lotion. If solutions have not been found soon, I will end up an old hag in no time.

Could it be due to those humidifiers I have in the office? Maybe it’s time get those humidifier filters changed as I had not done so since I had first purchased them. By the look of those cracked wooden furniture near those humidifiers as well as the frequent static shocks I had experience recently, I guessed those humidifiers were the culprit behind all the dryness.

Ah! Finally I had all the humidifier filters changed. How much relieve I am in with a higher humidity level in the office now. Thanks to the replacement of the filters that I can at least work more comfortably in a cleaner office without loosing anymore moisture.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?

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