Written by crizlai on May 17th, 2010 | Filed under:

I have been sourcing for a higher quality digital camera to replace my present one for quite some time now. Since I’m a regular light baggage traveler, owning one big and bulky camera would not be an ideal choice. Moreover, the price of such digital cameras would be out of my budget. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get any compact digital cameras out on the market that would suit my preferences. Not until recently that I found out two models that would surely fit my needs.
You see… I have some problems taking good night scenes with my present camera. On top of that, shooting under low light or fast moving objects have been quite a headache. My present camera refused to focus well and the time needed to focus properly would take ages. That’s something I dreaded while owning that camera although the sharpness of the shots were superb, especially with outdoor shots under clear weather. I ended up with two of the best choices now. It’s either the Canon S90 or Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3.
Both the digital cameras were designed for easy and yet high performance shooting. What I love most would be the speedy performance under low light conditions which I had problem with all these while. I now have to make up my mind to decide which brand to purchase. Both the semi-pro digital cameras have their own unique features and it was really a tough decision. Eventually, I had decided to get the latter as it had a hot shoe slot where I can put on an extended flash light although the other one did have a better shooting range. Moreover, I love the F2.0 24mm LEICA DC VARIO-SUMMICRON lens, 10.1 mega pixels and an ultra-sensitive 1/1.63-inch CCD developed specifically for this model. You would surely see better shots from me from now onwards.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 15th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

Devil: Oooo… look at all those delicious and succulent dishes on the buffet spread. Let’s jump in and gobble everything up like there’s no tomorrow.
Angel: Errr… I will forgo your wild food expedition this time, Devil. I have put on so much weight tagging along with you all these while.
Devil: Why worry now Angel? Savor the best while you can. You won’t get to have hot sizzling grills and fresh seafood spreads on your buffet line all the time. Gosh! Look at that giant roasted lamb leg! Slurps~
Angel: Stop tempting me Devil! You are making my saliva dripping endlessly!
Devil: Abalone salad! Prawn cocktail! Grill cod fish! Salmon sushi! Black Pepper beef steak! Roasted duck! This roasted duck is real good. You want a bite, Angel?
Angel: Arghh! See No Evil! Hear No Evil! Eat No Evil!
Devil: Come on Angel. A little bite won’t make you grow fat. Hehehe…
Angel: No! You have your natural sauna down there to help you trim down. All I have up there are blue skies and natural cool air. Just look at the layers of my belly fat now! I looked so unhealthy!
Devil: LOL! That’s your problem. Who ask you to eat lavishly and never go for any exercise? I run a lot all over the world creating mischief and havocs. You just sit up there waiting for the human to cry for help. Isn’t that the results of your inactiveness?
Angel: Errr…
Devil: Come on. Forget about all those dieting and join me in this feasting. Worst come to worst, I’ll just get you some weight loss products to help you lose weight.
Angel: Hmm… Ok! Let’s hit the buffet line. Just make sure you keep to your promise and get me those products. I don’t want to turn obese or it would be harder for me to move about to clean up your messes.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 15th, 2010 | Filed under:

For those who would be on their way to college in the United States, the SAT reasoning test would be something that would be very familiar to all. Administered by the College Board, the SAT test which covers literacy, writing and reasoning skills, has been designed to access a student’s readiness for campus. Most students would take the test as early as during their junior high school but dreaded the whole preparation process as it could be immensely stressful if no proper guidance was given.
With the advancement in internet technology, you can now have a professional educator live online to guide you all the way through the SAT prep course. Sample questions would be provided for revisions and the solutions for tricky questions would be taught, right in the comfort of your home.
With the proper preparation and guidance by the respective professional bodies, taking the four hours long SAT would be as easy as writing down ABC. So, why would you want to pay more for the many retakes of the SAT test when you have the online sat prep classes to offer you tips to get the best result out of your SAT test? The success of your future lies within your grasp now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:

If you suddenly feel that you have lose the urge for a healthy lifestyle once you have reach 25 years old, you should check your testosterone level right away. Testosterone deficiency could create metabolic issues almost immediately or the long term consequences could affect a person’s mood swings. These include depression, gaining muscles, fat loss, constantly feeling fatigue, poor libido, lack of concentration and occasional memory loss.
With our present stress-filled lifestyle and not having a balance diet, exercise or even rest, the productivity of testosterone would decrease as age catches up. Thus, the feeling of reduced zest for life began to occur in you. Just ask yourself these few questions. Have you been constantly involved in duties that required stressful long hours? Have you been sleeping late due to urgent matters to be settled without any more delays? When was the last time you thought of having some active bed activities with your partner? Do you get tired more easily than ever? There are more to testosterone deficiency than the ones mentioned above but the more important thing now is to get that testosterone level up.
By raising your testosterone level, you would gain more muscles to your abs while burning off those fats easily. You moods would be enhanced with the necessary aggressiveness and confidence. Healthy libido would not be a problem to you too. There are many natural testosterone remedies available in the market which would be packaged either in cream or pills. Both would equally help you in building up the man in you.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on May 14th, 2010 | Filed under:
weight loss

I’m sure most of us have seen those great food gourmets such as Emmanuel Stroobant or even Anthony Bourdain performing on TV. But I have one big question that has dumbfounded me for so long. How did they maintain their body size to be so perfectly balance with all the lavish eating? Can you imagine the amount of carbohydrates being consumed unsparingly? I would be fat if I were to eat so much.
There must be some hidden secrets behind their successes in maintaining that fit body. With their tight schedules in broadcasting, I’m sure that paying frequent visits to the gym might not be the sole answer. Could they be on fat burning pills? Hmmm… maybe they have found the best ab workout program for that level of fitness.
Although I’m having a job that is related to food as well, I ought to be as fit as them. I’ll need to put in the extra effort to gain back my confidence by having a greater body. I’m sure I can lose some significant stomach fat and get closer to my goal of having a visible six pack abs appearance.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?