Written by crizlai on Jan 29th, 2010 | Filed under:

Some people may think that the words “life insurance” is a taboo in their daily conversation as it would involve some bad encounters that may take away a life and most of the time it would be almost towards the end of their life journey before they would decide to buy that insurance policy. Do you think that it’s a smart decision? I would not think so. Even if a person has been working in a company and employer’s life insurance policy has been one of the benefits, it’s still not adequate enough to benefit the family during any unforeseen incident, especially death.
There are two types of life insurance one should take note of – Term Life Insurance or Investment Life Insurance. Term insurance will cover benefits to your immediate family or whoever your dependents may be whereas Investment Life Insurance would include endowment policies and other life policies. Part of the premium would be used for investment purposes. Thus, you may withdraw some of the investment profits prior to your death for your own usage. In short, the early you start the latter plan, the more investment profit you would get as you grow older.
It’s important to shop around for the best life insurance quotes to suit your needs, especially on the affordability part. Make sure you are happy with the coverage when it comes to buying life insurance as it would be your best gift for the security of your family.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 23rd, 2010 | Filed under:

Oh no! What have I eaten this morning that caused my whole body to itch nonstop? It couldn’t have been the slightly toasted whole meal buns I had with a little spread of butter for breakfast. I had those for breakfast almost daily. I’m so sure those extra spoonfuls of cereals I had added to my hot chocolate did not do any harm either. Neither would a few slices of honey melon in my diet would be blamed for the allergy. What could it be then? It really baffled me.
Recently, I had many encounters with such bad experiences. I would get this great deal of misery and discomfort and the next day it would just disappear. It’s just too mysterious! I tried tracking my food consumption but without any strong evidences that the food intakes were the culprits behind my allergies. It could be just anything from harmless food, bug bites to air pollutants. At times, while sitting down my work place, I would suddenly have runny nose after some stretches of irritated eyes. That’s really weird as the whole working environment was in an extreme clean state with no one being sick either.
Since these frequent allergies did not happen at the same place, I could be certain that it’s some unknown allergens flying around the environment. Thus, this triggered my Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody to fight against these invading substances by releasing further body chemicals which would result in an allergy reaction. I guessed it’s time I should seek an alternative allergy relief to ascertain a cleaner environment for me to live or work in. At least, I would be free from any more allergy attacks.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

One of my friends got married recently and had decided to spend his honeymoon in Toronto, Canada this coming month. That’s a great choice as Toronto being the most populous city in Canada would surely provided the newly wedded couple with endless of sweet memories. After all, there sure must be some strong reasons why it was rated as one of the world’s most livable cities by the Economist Intelligence Unit some time back. Obviously it must have been its city’s low crime rates, clean environment, high standard of living and friendly attitude to diversity.
Upon landing on the beautiful city within the providence of the Ontario state with a nice coastline along the southeast of Canada, you would be greeted with the magnificent view of the CN Tower, an important telecommunications hub and a famous tourist attraction. As for those people with an interest in arts as well as the architectural structures of the Victorian era, some of the great places to visit would be the Distillery District, Ontario College of Art and Design, The Royal Ontario Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario or even the Gardiner Museum. I wonder if my friends were planning to laze about under some shades to admire the scenic view of Lake Ontario? HTO, an urban beach, minutes away west of Harbourfront Centre on Lake Ontario might be a good experience for them. A visit to the Toronto Zoo, one of the world’s largest zoos or a back-to-school science project at the Ontario Science Centre would be great for them too.
With many more adventurous visits for them in Toronto, let’s hope they would get a great hotel amongst the many Toronto hotels available in the downtown core. That’s where all the happenings would be and they surely won’t want to miss out all the entertainment and night life there.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

I thought those pesky little acnes would disappear from my forehead and cheeks once I had passed my twenties but I was so wrong. Was I? Maybe there are some truths in the disappearance right on my face since I had gone over the hormonal changes as a teen. Somehow as I grew older, those acnes did get lesser but bigger instead as they “migrate” to my other parts of body, basically on jaw line, neck, chest, back and even on the butt. I don’t know what else can be as stressful as that in the working world where I would be in constant meet ups with clients. Those big and bulky looking acnes could be such a big distraction!
Adult acnes are so common nowadays with more and more products being launched by the dermatology and beauty industries. There are many reasons for adult acnes ranging from stress to easy infestation of bacteria during an adult’s more heavy, sweaty and intense exercises. In short, we are stewing up acnes in our own sweat and they sure love the heated up processes. Surprisingly, adult women have more acne problems compared to adult men from the market research of a reputable brand. Well, I won’t touch more on that as we know that women’s hormones tend to fluctuate more than men’s. That would explain the reasons behind the less constant but more erratic acne problems.
So how are you going to treat adult acne if you have a wide range of products out there on the marketplace? It will depend on the sensitivity of your skin. The best would be to consult a dermatologist to get the best solution to your adult acne issues. Most of the consumers would look for those all natural products which would not contain any potentially harmful ingredients such as benzol peroxide, mineral oils, harmful alcohols, tetracycline, lanolin and parabens but again this will depend on your dermatologist’s advice. Leave it to the expert’s to stop the outbreak and guide you to your stress free days.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 20th, 2010 | Filed under:

Very often we do hear people of all ages laughing at another person’s disproportionately fat bodies and this had made quite a large quantity of those verbally abused victims trying out various weight loss programs available in the market place. But how assured will that person be in losing weight and yet doing it in a healthy way?
It’s true that we are what we consume but there’s a small mechanism in each individual that does not function identically. That’s called metabolism. Some people would puff up with just a small amount of food whereas others would remain as skinny as ever no matter how much they gobble up. In most cases, it would be the former as the statistics for obesity had increased quite significantly over the years.
There are many weight loss programs in the market and not all of them have medical backups to prove that they will work. In order to get one that will help in reducing the unwanted fat, you will need to study through all the programs available. This could be quite time consuming as it would involve in the checking of the many products available and comparing them based on effectiveness, speed, safety, long term results and value for money. No matter how you go about searching for the ideal solution, you should get the bestdiet supplements that work well for you. After all, we should stay as healthy as possible with healthier supplements.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?