Written by crizlai on Sep 28th, 2009 | Filed under:

If you walk around many of those places with WIFI access, you would noticed that the laptop those people were using are getting smaller and smaller. These “mini” laptops are called netbooks. It’s a small, light weight, low cost, highly portable, energy efficient alternative to a full sized laptop computer where you can surf the internet, email, internet messaging, play music, stream video online, facebook, twitter, word processing and so on that would not need much resources for as long as 5.5 hours. The most wonderful thing would be the large hard drives storage to store your downloaded files.
If you are a hardcore online gamer playing high end video games or even a designer who required high end resources for processing graphical images, you can forget about owning one. This would not be the type of handy equipment for you as the screen would be smaller, thus everything else inclusive the typeface, keys on the keyboards would be smaller too due to its miniature size. Moreover, there would not be any inbuilt drives for you to transfer data unless you purchase other peripherals such as portable drives or a higher storage pendrive.
Netbooks are suitable for those students, travelers or business persons who love its portability and the light weight to carry around for light tasks. These netbooks are fast gaining trend as it’s much cheaper than a normal laptop. There are many netbooks manufacturers such as ASUS, Samsung, HP, Acer, MSI and so one on the market and you can source for one easily based on your budget and requirements. I’m going to get one soon for my business convenience. Are you planning to follow suit too?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 23rd, 2009 | Filed under:

“… I hate my life as I was never happy and I don’t feel like waking up anymore in the morning. There was nothing else to look forward to as everyone who saw me called me ugly. Most of the time, I would consider suicide just to end all these stresses and word abuses…”
Believe it or not, that statement has been influencing the minds of many adolescents from all over the world just because they could not handle their acne problems. In a research by conducted by a university, it was found that 34% of young people with acne issues had thoughts of killing themselves while 13% had attempted suicide. At this age, image and identity plays an important role in their lives. Any adverse psychological effects would pose a danger and a risk of them committing stupid acts when they are so hard hit by their so called inferior complex.
I just wondered why they are feeling so stressed out when there are so many acne treatments out there to solve their problems. This is just another phase of growing up and everyone tends to face it at one time or another through their journey in life. Acne problems are just like any other dermal problems as they would need time to heal and you can’t expect them to just disappear overnight. All you need is the determination and courage to face them. After all, aren’t both factors part of our life training to move forward to become successful in the future?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 22nd, 2009 | Filed under:

Hmm… I had fed her punctually daily and why is she still showing me that pathetic weak look again? Is she trying to gain more of my special attention or something is not right with her diet? Will she need more supplements to boast up the energy of hers? These are some of the thoughts that would strike most of a pet owner’s mind whenever a pet looked rather low in spirit. That’s the love bond between animal lovers and their pets. No matter how mischievous a pet might get to test our patience, towards the end of the day we would still love them and pamper them as if they were our flesh and blood. After all, pets are great companions to reduce our stress level, blood pressures, cholesterol level, triglyceride level and loneliness while raising our self esteem.
It has been medically proven that those with pets are much healthier compared to those who do not own one. Having a human-pet bond not only lessened our health issues but it also offers many social, psychological and physiological benefits. It would open up a bridge for communication opportunities, lower the anxiety levels and at the same time motivate a person to push himself forward to pick one up or exercise while taking his pet out for a walk. A survey done some years back on tens of thousands different nationalities throughout the world for a 5-year period found that those with pets had fewer visits to the doctors. In fact, with the attachment towards their pet, the owners had reduced depression, less stressful in their lives and had improved exercise habits.
I owned 7 cats and one dog in my family and they sure did brighten up my days. Although I had always branded them as the brats in the family for messing up things during the most unexpected time, they are still the loves of my life. Life could not have been any better than to have them around to instill some daily laughs with some of their awkward actions. It could be any pet of any sizes for you but as long as you kept them happy and healthy always, you would be in the same position too. Other than the reputable brands of feed around, there are supplements that would also boost up their health. Just look around the market place, there would always be the right canine supplements, feline supplements, bird supplements and even horse supplements around that would suit your need. Remember this – If they are healthy, so would you!
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 21st, 2009 | Filed under:

I have been working in this office for the last few years and everything seemed to be fine until now. I have never felt so low in motivation and lethargic before. Something does not feel right here. It kind of felt like the whole working place turned so stuffy and stale. I even felt that my skin had gone dryer and dryer each day without the application of some hand and body moisturizing lotion. If solutions have not been found soon, I will end up an old hag in no time.
Could it be due to those humidifiers I have in the office? Maybe it’s time get those humidifier filters changed as I had not done so since I had first purchased them. By the look of those cracked wooden furniture near those humidifiers as well as the frequent static shocks I had experience recently, I guessed those humidifiers were the culprit behind all the dryness.
Ah! Finally I had all the humidifier filters changed. How much relieve I am in with a higher humidity level in the office now. Thanks to the replacement of the filters that I can at least work more comfortably in a cleaner office without loosing anymore moisture.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 21st, 2009 | Filed under:

Having a truck for business would be real useful in time of moving and transferring products which towards the end of the day would generate additional income and save on unnecessary freight charges. But how many of us realized that there are also some cons when possessing such trucks? Accidents do happen but it does not always have to be the carelessness of the truckers. Sometimes, it could be due to the lack of awareness to install quality truck accessories that would be safe for everyone.
Do you know that about 25 percent of accidents happened when a driver is backing up a vehicle? Thus, most of the time it’s either a person would be hurt seriously or their vehicles get damaged heavily. That’s an alarming percentage as some vehicles might not have installed certain accessories such as rear mirror or motion sensor detector to their vehicles.
If you are a responsible driver, careless accidents as mentioned above would not occur. Proper maintenance such as daily inspection of tire pressure and condition, brake and all other fluids, lights and signal lights as well as making sure that clean windshields and mirrors are just as important. There is no point purchasing inferior accessories as they might just come off easily in times of emergencies, thus obstructing the view of the driver. Saving a few pennies off an item might not always pay off. Try to get your truck accessories from reputable shops instead.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?