Written by crizlai on Jun 22nd, 2009 | Filed under:

With the current El Nino effect in this part of the world causing intense humidity with barely any noticeable breeze, the pool would be the perfect place to cool myself off. I have been doing that a lot recently by soaking myself to the peak each day. It indeed paid off when you have some cool pool furniture around to make life’s a heaven. Can you imagine how relax I was floating above the water while sipping my favorite drink? The wonderful part of the great fun I had was everything was afloat including my water snack buoy. Don’t you think that’s a great way to laze about and yet not having to get out of the pool to get your snack and beverage?
Having the pool furniture to create that ideal and cozy outdoor space have since given me the wonderful pleasure of cooling off and at the same time stayed free from any stress and tension. Instead of incurring more cost for entertainment outdoor, I could have all the enjoyment I want just a few steps away from my home. Moreover, the kickboard float I had made great exercise equipment. I always love to clamp the board between my legs and swim a few rounds as it would help me get the necessary exercise I would need. That’s the best way to utilize as many muscles I have and improve my stamina and overall physique.
I would think my friends would also be interested to join me in this pampered environment. Maybe I would look into getting a black steel charcoal barbecue grill to hold a party as well. I’m sure none of my friends would reject to the idea of having that additional pool furniture. Let’s party everyone!
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed under:

After reading Alex Haley’s wonderful novel titled Roots and watching the 1977 mini TV series of the same name, it got me interested in how the author managed to trace his roots as far back as nine generations. It was really amazing to trace his ancestors all the way to the grandmother of Kunta Kinte. That got me pondering how I could repeat that feat so that I could keep the family tree album complete in order to pass on to my future generation.
It was not an easy task since I had not much information on the paternal site of my family but I managed to get great results by relying on ancestry dna testing. The human DNA can be quite unique as it can be passed from parents to children relatively unchanged through many generations. The Y chromosome would be used for the paternal line whereas the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) would be examined for the maternal line.
Another important factor while looking up your ancestry would be your ancestors’ medical history. This would be on a precaution basis to check if there are any major diseases such as diabetes, heart related problems and so on that might be inherited along the line that could possibly affect the health of yours as well as the future generations. After all, prevention would be better than cure as medical treatments would not be so cheap nowadays.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 10th, 2009 | Filed under:

It had been said that children are the pillars of our future and they ought to be trained well to face the challenges that await them. Instead of spoiling them to be takers all the time until they had lost their directions to accomplish something great in their lives, they should be guided in their early ages to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge which would be beneficial to them in the future. One good way would be to get them involve in hobbies. Not only would acquiring a hobby help them in their lives, it could even take on a life of their own.
In our ever changing society, there would always be something that we could not see but require our experiences to face them. Surprisingly, such experience could easily be acquired from our childhood years through our involvements in hobbies. You would ask why and how. The reasons are simple. Hobbies can teach a child on the skills of being patient, management, determination, motivation, leadership, accomplishment and so on.
Many parents had the wrong perception that getting a child involved in a hobby might affect their school works and studies. Moreover, it would be a waste of time and money and there would be no future in whatever hobbies they had acquired. You are totally wrong as you had stopped your child’s learning progress unknowingly. You should allow your child some alternatives to find their own interests and grow from there as children are naturally inquisitive human beings.
By sending them to art classes would not mean that they had to be artists having unstable income by the streets. Have you tried thinking out of the box? By doing so you would have helped them a lot in increasing their concentration and determination to get an object drawn perfectly. Moreover, it would also develop their creativity and imagination to look at things from different angles. What about getting them to play piano? Don’t you think they would be more focused and attentive with full concentration if they were to be immersed in such a hobby? Think of the life skills they may acquire for their future and you would be glad that you are part of their future successes.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 9th, 2009 | Filed under:

I’m not sure if everyone could still remember the cartoon aired in the 80’s on the wonderful family called The Jetsons? The Jetson family live in Skypad Apartments in Orbit City, where all homes and businesses are raised high above the ground and built with a futuristic architecture? You would be surprised that we have one of those constructions right here in Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It’s none other than the home of YTL Corporation Berhad’s Managing Director, Tan Sri Dato’ Francis Yeoh.

Completed in the latter part of 2008, the residence is the ultimate expression of the taste, influence and industrial-scale capabilities of the prominent family whose entrepreneurial activities have shaped Kuala Lumpur’s skyline. You would find within this 3,000 square meter enclave 9 bedrooms, 21 bathrooms, 2 guest suites, a ballroom, a study, a game room, a swimming pool, 2 family halls, a private dining, public reception area and huge private and public parking bays. At one glance, it indeed looked like the cage for my cats when handling them to the vet. How I wished I were a cat in that huge cage as the whole interior was furnished with state-of-the-art furniture and fitting. It was indeed my dream home but then only a few pockets are large enough to buy one. Haiz! There goes my dream!

I wonder if I could only get one of this for my house. Even with my endless hours of struggling to earn more money, I don’t think I could even afford just the swimming pool. Mr. Yeoh… any chance of renting out just the pool? LOL!

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 7th, 2009 | Filed under:
weight loss

You might have heard about the craze on Phenphedrine when it started to hit the market but what is Phenphedrine? It’s actually one of the hottest selling diet supplements that would show prominent results within days of consumption. The concept behind this diet pill is simple. It’s based on the good CART (Cocaine Amphetamine Regulatory Transcript), a stimulation that would increase the body metabolism, reduce the appetite and increase insulin to deliver energy to the muscles rather than be stored as body fat.
Phenphedrine does not contain cocaine at all as stated in CART ever since cocaine had been deemed illegal. As an alterative which would give similar effect, all natural caffeine had been combined with malic acid, thus optimizing energy, stimulating thermogenesis and promoting mental focus. That’s one of the main ingredients used in Phenphedrine – Infinergy™ Dicaffeine Malate. Other ingredients consist of extracts from Humulus lupulus (HOPS) which has pain and stress relieving attributes, Chocamine which has appetite suppression and lipolysis, Razberri-K™ which would decrease the absorption of dietary fat and increase norepinephrine-induced lipolysis, Ginger which has blood thinning and cholesterol lowering properties, Phenylethylamine (PEA) that would promote pleasure and euphoria as in chocolate, Evodiamine Sclareolide would regulate the body temperature and produce more energy through the breakdown of fat stores and thermogenesis, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine as a powerful stimulant that would suppress appetite, burn fat, boost energy and increase physical performance, Yohimbine would decrease body fat and increase muscle mass, Gelatin and Magnesium Stearate.
Each bottle of Phenphedrine contains 60 capsules which would last you for 30 days, considering that a capsule each to be taken before breakfast and lunch for an effective weight loss solution. Unless you are allergic to caffeine, Phenphedrine has yet to show any adverse effects on consumers.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?