Written by crizlai on Mar 16th, 2009 | Filed under:

The bedroom should be the room where you feel most at home, where you can relax and make it into your personal haven for luxury. To get the most out from your bedroom, the first task would be to identify what you need to get the most space out of it. Make a list of your requirements such as place of sleep, storage for your belongings, dressing area which would include a mirror, seating area and even a place for your computer and television.
Once you have what you need, you can start planning how to best design your bedroom by incorporating your furniture and fitting by playing with hues. Be imaginative and practical as possible when planning to play with colors. Too contrasting the colors and you would end up making the bedroom looks smaller. On top of that, you may end up having bad moods the first thing you wake up from your sleep. You won’t want that to spoil your mood, would you?
Try going for pastel colors as it would make the bedroom looks larger and more spacious. Moreover, it would brighten up your mood instead of dark colors which would make you feel gloomy. The ultimate way to do that would be to play with shades of a color. There are four walls in your bedroom and one wall which you had intended to put your dressing furniture ought to be of a darker shade.
Another point to take note of would be your windows. How would you like them to be? You could always get some designed curtains with colors that would blend in well with your bedroom walls or you could even get some darker shades of window blinds. Try to be realistic by juggling with the right combination of colors. I’m sure your local shop would be able to provide some samples for you.
No matter what, do not ever over clutter your bedroom with unnecessary pieces of furniture. Having one too many obstacles within your bedroom would make you feel like getting out from it daily. It should be a sanctuary for you to relax instead.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed under:

The local Internet Service Provider (ISP) has been having some server issues for the past two weeks and browsing through some websites has been extremely slow. Needless to say, I even had problems accessing to my own websites. Instead of banging my head against the monitor and screaming for help trying to get all my online work done, I had decided to relax myself from getting more stress due to the internet access issues. What would be the next alternative when you have a bad connection issue? I would just laze in front of the TV, catching up with those movies that I had missed.
But then, what’s the point having the best HDTV Home Theater System at home when I can’t even have the full comfort to relax myself? I would love to pamper myself by lying on my sofa but it did hinder my other family members from utilizing it. To sit upright all the time indeed gave me more discomforts. I will need to get some solutions now but could I do? Should I buy more sofas for the living room should I get some bean bags to throw around my rugged areas?
Hmm… Why my neighbor never complained about the connection issues even though his whole family members were heavy internet users? They do look as relax as ever. Could it be the home theater seating he had purchased recently? I really had to go over now ask them about their secret. Gosh! Those chairs are darn comfortable! Not only was I able to relax fully on the soft cushions it has, I can even adjust it to a position that I would feel comfortable in. With his assurance that I would not have any regrets purchasing one, I’m surely going to head down town now to book my orders. Maybe I would just get the whole set for every single members of my family. They ought to have the comfort in life as well.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

Other than the sofas and tables for the living room, what else do you think would be the next important thing to have? What about a fire place? Maybe not, as not everyone would require one especially those from the tropical country. What about a bar counter? Again, not everyone would have that additional space to own one. Well, I would love to have some area rugs and some bean bags to laze in after a hard day’s work.
There are so many types of area rugs to choose from such as Contemporary, Modern Rugs, Rustic & Lodge Rugs, Traditional and Transitional Rugs. As for me, I would love to have some modern area rugs to liven up the place. What more the rugs would blend in well with my HDTV Home Theatre set and modern furniture. I’m sure my guests would surely be impressed with my choice of rugs.
With a crème set of sofas, I had decided to get one that would have a hint of a lighter shade of brown with some black designs. This would look nice with my custom made black display cabinet as well as my TV stand. Well, this will definitely fill up that bare looking areas in my living room. Moreover, I would love to have a place to laze on while watching my favorite movies. I guessed a medium sized rug would be sufficient but I’m still contemplating if I should get a larger one as I have quite a handful of visiting friends weekly. Should I get a medium or large sized rug now? I have to decide soon as my friends would be here this weekend.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Mar 3rd, 2009 | Filed under:

As a food blogger, I had experienced going for food expedition from early in the morning until late at night. By the end of the day, there were hundreds to thousands of photographs that I had taken throughout the day and it ate up more than one gigabyte of my hard disc space when transferred. Even as an amateur photographer, I had utilized so much of my memory card, what more would you expect from a professional photographer?
Unless you are well equipped with extra batteries and memory cards to store all the shots, do not ever think that one gigabyte would be enough for high resolution photographs. Just look at a simple plate of lamb chop with all the beautifully garnished side dishes and greens in a restaurant that your are reviewing. You would be surprised that you may have taken more than thirty 4Mb or more per shot of all the angles in order to capture the perfect lighting without realizing it. If you were to have 10 different dishes, your one gigabyte memory card would have been overloaded.
In actual fact, one gigabyte of memory card would be able to store barely 250 shots of high resolution photographs. If you have a laptop by your side to store in all the photographs, then you have no worries. But there’s also the risk of being spoilt by means of misplacing, getting damp in wet situation or worst still being left unattended in a hot and humid weather. If you appreciate your work of art well enough, it’s always best to have backups in case of emergencies. Investing in more memory cards would not be a waste. Not only will they be your great partners in your adventurous expeditions, they would also help you store memorable moments that might come once in your life time. Moreover, they are not expensive.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?