Written by crizlai on Feb 11th, 2009 | Filed under:

Most of us are aware of the term “Eat To Live and Live To Eat”. Eating for the sake of keeping the stomach filled is one thing but not many of us are conscious about eating healthily. The more fatty the meat is the more juice it would contain and the more we would consume without taking heed of how outsized our body proportions would become. This is one habit that some of the food bloggers have until so much so that they tend to have problems getting the right fitting clothes.
For the guys, it won’t be such a hassle as there are still many shops around town selling or tailor-make all those over sized shirts and pants at affordable price. As for the ladies, it would be quite a headache as there are limited shops selling those big sized dresses. To tailor-make one, it could cost many folds the price of a guy’s shirt and pants. Moreover, most of the designs would make them look as if they were on maternity period.
Let’s just not talk about the body size due to obsessive eating. There are also quite a large number of ladies with large body structures. They too have problems finding the right size clothes. If this is the problem, one would also need to get a plus size lingerie and a large percentage of the sizes available are for those slim and sleek bodies. Now that’s a huge problem as those can’t be custom made. I guessed they would have to browse online to seek for their solutions. I’m sure there would be some online shops that would cater for their needs.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 10th, 2009 | Filed under:

What would be your most dreadful moment in the house? As for me, it was when I had to get some cooking done and I would have to face a leaking sink. There was then until I had replaced the old sink with a simple yet loyal one. Can you imagine each time after having done the preparation of ingredients for my meal and I would end up with a wet kitchen floor? Having the additional task of drying up the whole place really got me exhausted.
No matter how much time and money I had spent on replacing the washer or fixing the leaks, the problem returned after awhile. I guessed purchasing a cheap kitchen sink to cut down on some funds did not really work out at all. In fact, I have been paying more to the plumbers now than to save on getting a more expensive sink. That was such a huge regret in my life. There is something in life that you cannot be frugal on such as the many household items that would last you for a lifetime.
Initially, I wanted to get the quality Kohler Stainless Steel sinks but the other side of me wanted to cut down on tens to hundreds of dollars to purchase other household furniture and fixing. It was a mistake to save on a purchase that would last me for a long time. I guessed I was still too young to think about the after effect of being so frugal. The best part now is that not only did I get what I wanted earlier, I’m even happier as there were no more leaks in the house. Instead of banging my head against the wall each time there were leaks in my many other household sinks, I had all of them replaced with stainless steel sinks. Believe it or not, all of them are discount Kohler sinks. Not only was I able to save on the purchases, my house would be leak free for years to come.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Feb 10th, 2009 | Filed under:

It is great to own some pets to keep the home environment more lively but there are also hiccups when you have just one too many at a time. That was what I found out… the hard way. Initially, I just told myself that having a pair of cats at home would surely make my life happier. Eventually, the two pets had another three kittens joined in the family just a few months later. Well, FIVE pets in the house would still be manageable. Subsequently, two strays came knocking at my front door with that Shrek’s Puss-In-The Boot pathetic looking eyes begging for food. Being a compassionate person, I fed them outside as they were fleas infested.
Just within the next few days, step by step and wit by wit, they managed to gain control over the house, making friends with the rest of the indoor cats. Well, SEVEN is still within my means to get them well fed and comfortable within the house. Out of the blues, the mother cat went out “partying” for a few days and I ended up with another two kittens 2 months later. NINE is quite a crowd but it’s still within my control as all of them had that innocent and well behaved characteristics.
As the kittens began to get older, situations here were rather chaotic. Each day they grew larger and became hyperactive. Day and night, they would be chasing each other endlessly upstairs and downstairs, inside and outside of the room. With all the rough play, they subsequently made a large hole on my plaster based wall. With so many of them within the house, I could not detect who was the culprit. It would well be the big and strong Jeremy or my wild little girl, Jolyn. What else could I do except to drag myself to the nearest material handling store to get that hole patched up? It was no longer fun anymore as there were endless streams of patching and fixing all the time. Although it did eat into quite a noticeable amount in my monthly budget, it’s still a commitment and responsibility I had set upon when I had decided to take care of the welfare of my pets since day one.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?