Written by crizlai on Jan 23rd, 2009 | Filed under:

What would you do when are on a diet and you have a forth coming festive season where you would be having a lot of dinners and parties? Would you just sit down there and watch all the delicious food being passed around the table or would you jump in the fun and worry about getting fatter by the end of the celebration? I’m sure you would not miss your Mum’s favorite cooking such as the Lamb Shank nor would you want to miss out her Double Chocolate Cheese Moist Cake.
This is the common question posed by most people on strict diet. To me, it all lies in the controlling power of a person. There’s never a right or a wrong answer to whether a person can consume this dish or that dish. It should be a well balanced and complete diet. A meatless and sugarless diet may not be the ideal choice as it would drain your body of the energy to perform well in your daily activities.
You could still go for your Mum’s home cook food but then you might want to consider reducing the intake of some of the other fatty dishes or sugar rich beverages such as BBQ bacon or Iced Honey Cappuccino. After all, how many times a year would you get to enjoy your Mum’s home cook food when you are already having a family of your own elsewhere?
It’s all within your will power to be self disciplined. If you are having 15 minutes of exercises daily, then go for an extra 10-15 minutes for the next few days. That would help to reduce the weight you have gained. Just make sure that you do not skip the fat burning and diet pill you are on during your eating spree.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 21st, 2009 | Filed under:

BMI or Body Mass Index as many had known is basically a term used by many physicians and researchers in measuring obesity. It uses a mathematical formula that takes into account both a person’s height and weight. The formula is rather simple as BMI equals a person’s weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. (BMI=kg/m2).
Obesity is a serious health hazard, having the risks of a number of grave medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, sleep apnea and asthma. An obese person would normally have one or more of hidden dangers such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol level, inability to control blood sugar and many more. These dangers may lead to a person’s sudden death without much symptoms or signs.
Moreover, the extra weight of an obese person would exert additional pressures on both their knee, hip and lower back joints and thus slowly wear away their protective cartilage resulting in osteoarthritis. They would have a higher risk in developing gout. Snoring heavily and irregular breathing during sleep are part of sleep apnea, which would cause an obese person to be in fatigue and sleepy most of the time. As a result, many heart related diseases would occur.
Just refer to the chart shown below your height. Use a ruler to draw a horizontal line for your weight and a vertical line for your height. Check out which category you fall into. Are you in the underweight, normal, overweight or obese section? Anyone from the overweight and obese section should seriously consider looking into their health issues. You should get some weight off that body of yours by modes of eating healthy, do more exercises or get some diet pills. Please do it not only for yourself but for the concerns of your loved ones.

I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 12th, 2009 | Filed under:

If you have the time, try observing those people you walk by carefully. You would see that there are many different ways of walking that will clearly show the characteristic of a person. Some would walk with the chin up to show that they have the confidence to face whatever that would be present of them. Some would slouch as if they have a lot of worries or someone pushing them in their daily lives. Some even took short strides and this would clearly show that they are very indecisive about their surrounding.
From these body movements, you would know the level of confidence in each individual. Which of these two would you project yourself? Do you want to have the confident image in your life or would you like be the one always be indecisive in all the decisions you have to make in life?
It’s not solely on what you wear or the colors of your clothing that would make you a bore amongst your colleagues or friends. It’s how you carry yourself in front of them. Your posture is very important. Lift your chin and walk with your shoulders high, unbent waist with the legs locked. Never slouch or look on the ground as you walk. It would make you look shy and withdrawn. You might even need to get accustomed to shoes such as Manolo Blahnik shoes. Once you are in control of your walking skills in these shoes, you would have already mastered your level of confidence. Wherever you walk, you would feel like some great actresses walking down the walk of fame.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 12th, 2009 | Filed under:

It has been ages that I have this problem of not being able to stop my craving for certain types of food. Whenever I was at this specific area, I would drop by to eat until my tummy bloated up. Penang’s Pulau Tikus Market Hawker area is the place I was mentioning about. Who could resist the aroma from all those yummy hawker dishes floating in the air? Even without the aroma from the satay, fried koay teow, hokkien mee or curry mee, the colorful display of food on bamboo skewers spread on some tables with a boiling pot of water in the middle, would be enough to tempt just anyone.
It has been quite some time since I last had fried koay teow with duck egg. A plate of that might be great to fill up a part in my tummy. Maybe I would get some satay too. Hmm… some sticks of chicken and mutton meat would be great with the spicy pounded peanut sauce. Did I just smell BBQ seafood on banana leaf? I should get some BBQ stingray with a lot of spices on them. Gosh! Is that soaked cuttlefish with water crest? I have not had that for a long time too. I think a small plate will serve me well.
What was that colorful food in small containers that I have seen so many people carrying by me? Is there a new stall further down this stretch of food stalls? I think I ought to explore. Wow! There’s a new sushi corner. I could never get enough of sushi rolls as well. They have always been my favorite food. There are over 100 combinations ranging from unagi, egg, tuna, salmon, prawn, baby octopus, seaweed, soft shell crab, crabstick, fish roes, prawn roes, escargot, etc. They even have California rolls and some fruity yogurt sushi. Most cost barely RM1 ($0.30). I would have some takeaways for supper tonight.
Many of my friends were curious about the amount of my food intake and yet I could still maintain my slim body figure. Well, when you have the best weight loss pills around, you do not have to worry about cutting down some extra weights within the shortest time.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jan 7th, 2009 | Filed under:

In general these 10 items, namely Wii, iPod, Xbox 360, iPhone, Wii fit, Coach, PSP, Bakugan, digital camera and iPod Touch appeared to be the most sought after items in eBay. If you are considering selling items on eBay, would you sell the items as listed above? No doubt the items would be hot selling but you would have to look into the competition amongst other sellers to have the lowest price possible to attract more buyers. Towards the end of the day, you would have more pressures than pleasures in enjoying the online trading.
Let’s look at what are the other items that are not so electronically related but still able to attract buyers. Most people would look into collectibles, clothes, accessories, books and so on which would be more towards their interest and knowledge. One item which I had noticed that had quite a high demand would be the Star Wars or Star Trek collectibles. Somehow the “force” is still around to attract so many passionate collectors.
The women’s clothing, accessories and cosmetic product would be another area to look into. If you can provide something that would be hard to get from any other part of the world but at a low price of course, you would have hit the jackpot if this item were to become the craze for the next generation. I have monitored quite a large number of bids and purchases through eBay on women’s accessories. More and more impressive designs were posted up each day. Some of them were so uniquely and beautifully handcrafted and the price was barely a few tens of dollars.
You would be surprised how much you can make through eBay by trying to tap into the women market. One seller even made quite a bundle selling only women’s lingerie. What made the seller stood out amongst the many competitors were the unique designs and cuts that not many other sellers could provide. As for pricing, it was way below the price of the normal cutting. If you have the source for this kind of product, then by all means set up your eBay account now and you would see lots of money making its way into your bank in the near future.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?