Written by crizlai on Nov 10th, 2008 | Filed under:

There are twenty one countries along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea such as Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. Which one should I visit to have an enjoyable and mind relaxing holiday?
I have checked with all the Mediterranean cruises that are available online and found Turkey to be quite interesting since the country sits mainly in Asia and partially in Europe. The Eastern Mediterranean cruises which focused on Italy, Greece, Turkey and cities along the Adriatic should be fun as I would also have ample time to visit those historical landmarks of Rome, Venice and Athens.
As a frequent seafarer, I would love to visit those beautiful ports and beaches that are available in the countries. I have heard so much and hope that I have the opportunity to visit Antalya, a city at the southwestern part of Turkey. The city on a cliff oversees the horizon of the Mediterranean Sea. What a great place for witnessing the sunrise and sunset in the city. I hope I can also get to visit Kas, a small fishing, yachting and tourist town and get some presents for my angling buddies.
I’m getting real excited now as I had booked my tickets with Costa Cruise Lines and my trip is scheduled to be in early January 2009. Hooray! Going for 11 days of cruise has always been my dream.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 9th, 2008 | Filed under:

I was at a wedding reception of my best friend recently and it was the worst experience that I had for many years. It has nothing to do with any hiccups during the reception but the experience of forcing myself to be there, left a deep scar on my face to meet anyone for some time to come. Of all the days, it has to be two days before the function, to get acnes popping up right on top of my nose. It was really embarrassing. I even overheard in the rest room that someone sarcastically called me Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.
Well, that was a blessing in disguise. Without those comments during the reception, I would not have pushed myself forward to do more researches on acne related problems. Thus, I would not have discovered Zyporex at all. This is one product that has all natural ingredients, economical and yet powerful enough to wipe out all the acne related problems within the shortest period of time. I had hit the jackpot!
Not only did my acnes heal fast, the product made my face smoother, cleaner and clearer. Even some of my previous acne scars began to fade away miraculously. No one product that I had tried before was as effective as this one. It was the best value for money product and I had saved a lot on dermatology fees. I would be buying a few bottles to stock up soon to recommend some of my friends who had frequent acne problems. So far, none of those I had recommended has any negative feedback on this product. Don’t you think that this product is wonderful?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Nov 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

Setting up certain areas of your home could sometimes be a dilemma, especially when choosing the right colors to blend in with the surrounding. I have this special corner in my living room which I thought of having a mini bar corner. I want the corner to be lively instead of the normal dull and woody feeling that most mini bars have.
There are so many things that I have to look into such as the suitable wall colors, furniture and fittings, bar counter, cabinets, mini bar cooler and also the bar faucets. But first I would have to look into the right combination of colors that would set the mood right. What could those be? Maybe I shall study some of the colors in depth before deciding what to do next.
RED – Energy, passion, and boost appetite
ORANGE – Boost appetite
YELLOW – Speed metabolism and incite concentration and memory
GREEN – Calming and peaceful
BLUE – Trust, relaxing and space
VIOLET – Healing and romantic
WHITE – Purity, life and neutral
PINK – Soothing and seductive
Hmm… There are so many colors and yet I’m lost for the right combination. Shades of each color might work but then it would be rather boring. Since the mini bar corner is going to be in the living room, I was thinking of combining Violet, Light Blue and some shades of Pink for that corner. Do you think that it would make the room feel spacious enough for relaxation with some romantic moments with my family?
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?