Written by crizlai on Sep 30th, 2008 | Filed under:

I was not the perfect health recently and I get even more stressful when one of my pets was done with one weird sickness that caused her to grow a few soft like horns on her forehead. She’s only 9 months old and she should not be facing this type of skin disorder. With all the running about in the humid tropical weather to get the best treatment for her, I realized that I’m beginning to have some sore spots on my face. It’s a sign of getting acne and I dread having those pesky little red spots all over my face.
I was wondering if it has to do with my stress level. Each time I get stressed out with problems surrounding my daily life, those acnes would suddenly pop up on my face mysteriously. I do not know if there has been proven research that stress would cause acne but it did happen in my case.
I was contemplating whether to try out some of those homemade remedies for acne. They might be cheap but I was having the fear that it might worsen my acnes problem as there was no medical proof that it would not have side effects. I guessed I better seek the advice of the professionals to be on the safe side. There are certain things in life you just can’t be frugal, especially any facial problems. Let me get the contact of the nearest acne treatment clinic to make the appointment now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 29th, 2008 | Filed under:

Having a surprise party to congratulate a few of my staff on their recent promotions was sure a great one. It showed that with a harmonious working environment and teamwork, they had managed work hand in hand closely with everyone to seal the biggest contract ever in the history of the company. Isn’t that just wonderful?
Oh no! Whose smart idea was it to throw some confetti in the office to celebrate their success? Can you imagine the amount of those teeny weenie circles being scattered all over the carpet? Gosh! Even the hard reached corners had them. Don’t they know that it would be really hard to clear those mess they had created? I guessed I won’t want to spoil their joyous moods now. I would just get the cleaners to clear them after we had done with the party.
It would not be so hard for them at all after I had invested in a commercial carpet extractor cum cleaner as one of my office supplies for the company. I have seen them using that equipment and it sure helped make their lives so much easier. You should have seen how fast they had cleaned those hard reached corners. It was within seconds. I have never regretted making the investment ever since.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 27th, 2008 | Filed under:

Having a room as your personal gym can be real exciting if you know exactly what exercise equipments you should get. There are thousands of equipments out the in the market place and choosing one might not be so easy after all. Where do you look for your perfect exercise equipment then? If you have to budget, you can get what you want and replace them with latest models anytime you wishes to. What would happen then if you have a tight budget and yet you would want to stay as fit as you can?
Well, here is one solution. You can just look for the ideal equipment which would not only help you to get rid of those unnecessary fatty pasts of your body but also help in maintaining your fitness for as long as you ever wanted. Have you heard about NordicTrack’s Incline Trainer? This great exercise equipment will shape up your body with just 20 minutes of regular workout. What made this equipment my ideal choice is that I can incline the platform to the percentage I like. The greater the inclination I set, the more calories I could burn. Moreover, you would be able to build and sculpt muscle as never before. Isn’t that what most of us would want?
Nobody would regret getting one for the family. It is worth every amount you had sweated out. It’s a real value for your money and it would last you for a long time.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 27th, 2008 | Filed under:

Recently, the prices of goods and fuel had shot up so high. With the same amount of money spent previously would not even be enough to get food for the entire family to last for a week. It is getting tougher and tougher each day and the only thing that has not risen is the salary. Moreover, although the fuel prices has rocketed to all time high and subsequently came down twice, it did not help much in saving more. In fact with that little amount saved, it won’t even be enough for a week’s food supplies.
Some food sellers are real smart. They did not increase their pricing at all but the portion served gets lesser and lesser each day. As a result, consumers would have to order more to fill up their tummies. At the end of the day, don’t you think that the consumer would have doubled their expenditure? Now who is to be blamed for the problem? Do you think it’s the economy factor, the suppliers’ factor or the food sellers’ part?
By the way, something else has increased other than the fuel. Auto insurance! I have just received my car’s insurance renewal notice and the charges had jumped up by 30%. I was shocked at the increase as it has nothing to do with consumable products. I have to review the company again. It’s time for me to compare auto insurance quotes from the rest of the agencies out there. A dollar saved a day will surely helped in many ways.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Sep 24th, 2008 | Filed under:

The days of using plain signage for your business is almost gone. In this modern and competitive market, you will need to do some extraordinary and eye-catching to attract more clients in. What would be more perfect than to install a digital signage?
What do you know about digital signage? It’s a state-of-the-art gadget which includes media players, display devices, distribution products, cabling and mounting hardware. It will create awareness and has a great impact on maximizing your advertising needs. Moreover, it’s great signage to boost sales, communicate with your audiences, and enhance the overall image of your company, facility, or organization.
Check out the latest features of the digital signage. Who knows? It might just pull in the crowd you need to improve your business processes.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?