Written by crizlai on Jun 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

I had the most wonderful outing along the beach with a group of close friends recently. We barbequed, we ate, we drank until the wee hours of the morning. Stephanie even came with her special secret recipe – baked cheesy crabs in shell. Marianne contributed some fried nuggets and fries. Johnny bought quite a lot of peanuts and snacks to keep us munching away throughout the night. It was real fun letting the hair down for the weekend without worrying about work pressures.
Unfortunately, I had some complication days after the wild night out. Zits after zits began popping out from my face, neck and even body. I felt so embarrassed even to meet up with my colleagues and clients at work. I tried applying zit creams but the zits got even bigger until my face looked swollen. I was wondering whether it was the food that I had taken during the BBQ outing that caused me to have some food reaction towards my skin.
Could it be the lack of rest or lack of consuming more water during the party? What about the dryness from the breeze of the night or even the consumption of fatty and oily food? Although I had taken a few days of leaves to keep myself from being humiliated further, the zits just won’t go off. In fact it popped up even more until I have to seek acne treatments from the professionals. Do you know what was the analysis given? I had my pores all clogged up with the oil from the BBQ and some bacteria had set in to make it even worst. This is one hard lesson I had learned that my hands have to be clean always whenever I want to touch my face.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

I had just learned from a seminar not long ago that no matter how rich or poor we are, we should contribute something within our means towards those less fortunate than us. That was what I did for those victims of the recent natural disaster down in Myanmar where it was hard hit by Cyclone Nargis.
The whole country was badly affected with ten of thousands of people, especially those from the remote parts of the country being made homeless without food and clean water. The sight and stench were quite unbearable with many animals and human bodies scattered all over the ruined crops and contaminating the water supplies. Many of the victims were still in shock as they have lost their families, relatives and friends in the worst disaster in their history.
The victims have lined up in most parts of the road in hope of getting relieves from donors. Life had been hard on them as their future is now in the dark. They do not even know when and how the next meal would be there for them. Together with a group of donors, we managed to deliver some food supplies and clothes in secured shipping boxes to the country. Some of the contributed items included rice, biscuits, instant noodles, dried fish and bottles of drinking water.
It was truly heart breaking to see the cyclone victims being forced to live by the streets. If you have the compassionate heart to help them, do whatever within your means to help relieve their lives. They really need you now.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?
Written by crizlai on Jun 1st, 2008 | Filed under:

It is nice to have some pets around the house to brighten up a person’s life but sometimes having one too many playful kittens around the house could be stressful, especially when they do not know how to stop having fun all the time. Well, what would you expect? If kittens are not playful, they would not come up with the term “as playful as a kitten” right? And I have six in the family, meaning six times more of cleaning up to do.
Would you believe that I had just swept the whole place barely 15 minutes ago and here they are tearing more bits and pieces out of their play boxes. Their hairs are also flying all over the house. It has always been that tiring cleaning up their mischievous acts on top of my heavy workloads. I could hardly have more than few minutes of non stress moments without ever thinking of the cleanliness of the house.
I think it is time that I get myself one of those Sebo vacuums on offer at the nearest departmental store. At least I do not have to use much energy to get the house fully clean up within the shortest period of time. It might just a great idea after all. I will surely get one first thing on Monday morning.
I'm thirsty for a drink now. Would you be kind enough to treat me?